Monday, December 2, 2013
No education could educate me more than the knowledge of self. It trumphs the European education I seek and any technological invention by European colonizers. The Black Man that seeks the approval of Europeans and caucazoids through masonry to feel better about himself needs to look within, find his true knowledge that eludes him. The Masonic ideology was stolen and presented as his(European) owns invention. When in fact the black man was the first and only master builder. He has hidden your ancestors past from you and only if you search and look within will you find KNOWLEDGE OF SELF. We have a lot of black men that are willing to betray their own people so they can gain material wealth. A few have come my way to betray me to give information to their white masters. Stop being their useful idiot. Here is a article that gives information about the black man and freemasonry in America.
Monday, October 13, 2008
By Fahim A. Knight-El
Freemasonry as many may know, is a very vague and complex subject and this writer doesn't think you can exhaust the depth and/or magnitude of this topic in a 5000 word article or by writing a huge number of manuscripts; it is just to extensive of a subject for any one writer or body of researchers to claim absolute and complete definitiveness. It is much larger than the Masonic Scholars such as: Albert Pike, Jacob Boehme, Manly P. Hall, Albert Churchward, Albert G. Mackey, Edward Arthur Waite, Prince Hall, Francis Bacon, John Yarker, Joseph Walkes, JSM Ward, J.D. Buck, Robert MaCoy, George Oliver, W.L. Wilmshurst, John Robinson, Frantz Hartmann, James Morgan, Robert Taylor, Kersey Graves, Gerald Massey, Watten Scott, Alvin Boyd Khun, G.R.S Mead, Thomas Taylor, Spencer H. Lewis, H.P. Blavatsky, J. Van Rijckenbough, Edouard Schure, etc. The Speculative Science and social science of studying Freemasonry as a discipline is wide opened for various scientific, as well as creative interpretations and analysis based on the subject being rooted in symbolism, metaphors, allegory, similes, and expressed in parables, understood in the esoteric, viewed in the metaphysical and made intelligible by its sublime rituals. What then is Freemasonry? According to most of the Masonic authorities; defined, “Masonry as a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols” (Reference: Manly P. Hall; “Secret Teachings of All Ages”).
This writer was recently contacted via email by gentleman named Wayne T. Muhammad, this writer is assuming that he was a Muslim (perhaps a follower of the Nation of Islam and Minister Louis Farrakhan), but he had a deep interest in an article that this writer had written titled, "Freemasonry (Moslem Sons) and Islam What Do They Share?" This author wrote the article approximately three years ago (2005), but he did not web publish the article until December 2007 and by far, it has been one of my most celebrated writings, which has received tremendous attention from scholars, Freemasons, Muslims, non-Muslims and just from ordinary people who may have interest in alternative historical views and/or enjoy New Age type subjects. (Reference: Fahim A. Knight-EL; "Freemasonry (Moslem Sons) and Islam What Do They Share?").
There is really no correct and/or incorrect way to explore and approach a Speculative Masonic topic; Speculative Masonry must-be clearly delineated from Operative Masonry—the former is best associated with Masonic intellectual ideas and philosophical interpretations (the Seven Liberal Arts—astronomy, music, geometry, arithmetic, logic, rhetoric and grammar) and the latter is best linked with Guild Workers seen through the lens of the five schools of architect—Doric, Ionic, Composite, Tuscan, Corinthian and the physical sciences of building. Thus, from this understanding and thought, this writer would first ask the readers to reason with me as I pursue some of the history of Hiram Abiff who was perhaps the greatest Grand Master of the Masonic theory and one of the essential and key foundation blocks upon which Freemasonry rest upon. (Reference: Henry Wilson Coil; “Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia”).
The history and legend of Grand Master Hiram Abiff gives life and meaning to Freemasonry as a fraternity and as a philosophical school of thought. A. E. Waite, in his “New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”, makes the following comment: "The legend of the Master-Builder is the great allegory of Masonry. It happens that his figurative story is grounded in the fact of a personality mentioned in Holy Scripture, but this historical background is of the accidents and not the essence; the significance is in the allegory and in any point of history which may lie behind it.” (Reference: A. E. Waite; “New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry’).
This writer had actually started writing this article perhaps over ten (10) years ago, which he had explained to Mr. Wayne Muhammad and after having numerous email communications with him, he sparked enough of my curiosity to revisited this subject and offer it as a finished scholarly product. Muhammad was actually doing some research of his own, but this writer never asked exactly what he was doing; this writer just offered him the assistance that he requested. However, looking metaphorically at the Masonic character Hiram Abiff from the standpoint of an allegorical legend; there is no doubt, that one could draw a direct and plausible parallel between the Hiram Abiff legend and the history of Africans (African American experience and their 450 year sojourn in America) that were brought from the continent of Africa as slaves to the Americas. (Reference: Alauddin Shabazz; “Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs”).
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in a work edited by Nasir Makr Hakim titled, “The True History of Master Fard Muhammad” quoted Muhammad as stating, “The Masonic ritual of the death of Hiram, the Widow son, has no record in the great light of Masonry, the Bible. It is the symbolic reminder of the deviltry carried on by the devil in most recent history. This part of the Masonic ritual was added in 1725, along with the book of the Masonic Constitution prepared by the Rev. Jones Anderson. The proof of the absence of the story in their Bible as a true happening may be found in the Bible 1st Kings 7th chapter, 13th verse. You will see there that Hiram finished the work he was suppose to do for Solomon, yet according to the ritual of the third degree (death of Hiram) you will notice that Hiram was still putting work on the trestle board for the fellow craftsmen when he was attacked by the Ruffians: Jubelo, Jebula, Jubelum. These three are symbolized as ENGLAND, FRANCE and AMERICA”. (Reference: Nasir Makr Hakim; “The True History of Master Fard Muhammad”).
Muhammad continues, “The east gate is Africa, the west gate is the West Indies, and the north comer of the Temple is North America. The U.S.A., England, and France did enslave the Black man, but America is the one who killed him, by fixing him so he would not have any knowledge of himself, and then gave him the name Negro and buried him in the graveyard of the King James version of the Bible. The fact that he was hit in the head with a setting maul shows that in the head he died, so that he is mentally dead. Because of this fact, a name was made up for him from the Greek language to fit him (Necro) also spelled (Negro), this word means dead. However, the Germanic inflection in the mixed tongues, the "C," was pronounced as a "G," and Necro became Negra in the south and Negro in the north of the country”. (Reference: Nasir Makr Hakim; “The True History of Master Fard Muhammad”).
The Holy Qur’an in a chapter (Sura) titled, "AL NUR: The Light " gives these profound and beautiful words stated, “Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is a pillar on which is a lamp—the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shinning star—lit from blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not—light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things.”(Reference: Muhammad Ali: Holy Qur’an translation Sura 24:35 subtitled, “Manifestation of Divine Light”)
This writer researched and found some very interesting words from a speech delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam back on October 30, 1983 at Morgan State University in Baltimore Maryland. This article will heavily reference and use citations from the teachings of the Nation of Islam's history, theology and worldview in order to present this subject on Hiram Abiff and its correlation to the black experience in America. The Nation of Islam is perhaps the only organization that has consistently taught on and drawn this parallel between Hiram Abiff and the so-called black man and black woman in America. The majority of the black Masonic Lodges in the United States are oblivious to this connection because even after many of them are raised in the Blue Lodge—they still lack the knowledge of self. (Reference: Malachi Z. York; “The Problem Book”).
Their counterpart the Caucasian Masonic brethren truly know and understand that this symbolic history has a much deeper meaning than the obvious and truly knows who Hiram Abiff represents in the scheme of history and it is this covert duality that this writer will partially be focusing on. There is always the question that is posed to the Masonic traveler: Which way are you are traveling? “The answer; is giving ordinarily from this perspective; “I am traveling from East to West in search of light (or more) light in Masonry.” It is from this premise that will set the basis of my thesis relative to the African American Masons, which the largest and majority belongs to the Prince Hall Masonic body known as Free and Accepted Masons (F&AM) (the most influential black Masonic Order in the United States), but there are others who are members of white Masonic lodges/orders known as Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM). The East is the home of the Asiatic Black man (the original man) in which all knowledge and wisdom originated; therefore, when asked that question, which way are you are traveling; he should state, “I am already at home the East is where all the ancient wisdom originated and there is no need for me to travel from the East to the West in search of light.” (Reference: Joseph Walkes; “Black Square and Compass: 200 Years of Prince Hall Freemasonry”).
Farrakhan stated: stated: “Dear beloved this is your time. You are more than what you think you are. So let me take the next few minutes to say these few words to you about you. You see you have thought all these years that you were nothing because you were Black, and you felt you were Black cause you were cursed. But you did not know that you are the original people of the Earth, and I will defy the scholars, the geneticists, the biologists, the historians, the anthropologists, to disprove that if the Black man were not here you have no source for your life. We are your fathers and your mothers and you have dishonored the very people that have produced you. No, no, it's not racism it's just fact. You know that their fathers taught you history, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, law, government, every discipline their fathers gave to your fathers when you were uncivilized in Europe on your all fours. It was a black man that brought you up out of that condition. This is the thanks we get. You have robbed your own people of correct knowledge that would have allowed young White students to have a genuine appreciation for Blacks. You would not teach your own the value of these Black people, though you go in secret in your Masonic lodges and in your shrines and you learn about us behind the closed doors. (Reference: Louis Farrakhan speeches edited by Joseph D. Eure and Richard Jerome; “Farrakhan, Back Where We Belong: Selected Speeches by Louis Farrakhan”).
Farrakhan continues: You talk about you want integration, you want to integrate Morgan into the University of Maryland, but you will not integrate the Black Masons and Shriners into your white shrines and your White Masonry. You won't integrate that, and the mason you won't integrate that is because you know that the Black Masons have oleo and you have got butter. You know that in your lodge you are studying about Hiram, and they don't know that they are Hiram, the master architect that got hit in the head, carried away and buried in the North corner in a shallow grave where no light shines. But someone came to raise him up and didn't have the proper grip, it took a master grip to pull him up because he's a master and he needs a master to pull up a master. All of that is talking about you, the Prodigal Son, the lost sheep, the people of God, the people that the book says would be in bondage in a strange land for 400 years, but after that time God would come after you and raise you up and make a nation out of you, and make you leaders in the Earth. This is what they don't want you to know, that you are to supplant their rule because their time is up, their rule is wicked and unjust. The Bible says this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight. Only God could take a foolish people and confound the wise. He would take a people that were no people at all and He would bring to naught the things which are by the things which have no existence. Here you are a people of no existence, a people that the world has brought to naught and here these sophisticated men of science who study how to psyche the mind and mess up the public and guide them like sheep, but their stuff don't work anymore on the foolish people. (Reference: Louis Farrakhan speeches edited by Joseph D. Eure and Richard Jerome; “Farrakhan, Back Where We Belong: Selected Speeches by Louis Farrakhan”).
The hidden truth behind the symbolic and mythological character of Hiram Abiff is perhaps the foremost world's best kept secret. The Master Masons or third degree recite the history of Grand Master Hiram Abiff as the culmination of the Masonic lessons (there is really no degree higher than the Master Mason Degree). They say Hiram Abiff was/is the greatest Mason ever known, thus he was slain prior to completing the building of King Solomon's Temple. His death was premeditated by fifteen fellow crafts. They saw that the temple was about to be completed and wanted to obtain the secrets of a Master Mason. Knowing these secrets would allow them to travel in foreign countries and receive master's wages. So the fellow crafts conspired to extort the secrets from the Grand Master Hiram Abiff, or take his life. But reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime twelve of them recanted; the other three (Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum) persisted in their murderous designs. (Reference: JSM Ward; “Who is Hiram Abiff?”).
Hiram Abiff in truth represents the Black man in North America today. The European nations such as the United Kingdom, America, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Belgian, etc., historically these white world government plotted against Africa and committed one of the greatest crimes ever recorded in the history of humanity—their vicious and inhumane roles in Chattel Slavery (1555-1865) and the Middle Passage, which led to the social, economic, and political demise of Africa and its people. But America, France, and England are the hidden under the Masonic symbolical names Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum which was foretold by the prophets of old. It was Jewish conspirators who opposed Hiram Abiff and the construction plans of King Solomon's Temple. Elijah Muhammad stated, (Reference: Elijah Muhammad; “The Secret Teachings of Freemasonry”).
In 1555, when the slave ship named Jesus of Leubek voyaged out from the West coast of Africa, it represented demise in the history, culture and social life for the Grand Master Africans or Black man and woman of the world. The Asiatic Black man held the blue prints to human civilizations in their heads. The Grand Master Hiram Abiff according to the legend was slain at high twelve (or high noon); this is not just necessarily talking about the position of the physical Sun, although the Sun plays a huge part in where the Worshipful Master’s station is in the East, Senior Warden (West) and Junior Warden (South) all of these symbolic stations have a direct correlation to how the Sun Rise and Fall. But this allegory had a much more profound interpretation, as representing and an indication of a people that was at the pinnacle of civilization and became displaced. (Reference: John G. Jackson; “Man, God and Civilization”).
The entire system of Freemasonry is much older than the date of 1717, it can be traced back thousands years to African (black) people in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) perhaps the greatest civilization ever recorded in the history of humanity; had set-up the Egyptian Mystery Schools where neophytes were initiated in the high sciences of those who had constructed the great pyramids. Kemet (Egypt) fed Greece and Roman, the great Greek philosophers—Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, etc., sat either directly or indirectly at the foot of wise African Sages and from that knowledge of Kemet (Egypt) they enlightened all of Europe. (Reference: George G.M. James; “Stolen Legacy”).
The Kemitic (Egyptians) had mastered science, medicine, architect, art, philosophy chemistry, religion (spirituality), etc. The story of Hiram Abiff, the Widow’s Son was borrowed from the ancient story of Osiris (Asar), Isis (Aset), and Horus (Huru); (the Father, Son and Holy Ghost)—the birth, death, resurrection and ascension that we attribute to Hiram Abiff, it was actually predated by some thousands of years by the Osirian Myth, even before the advent of Isa bin Yusuf or Yeshua ben Yosef (better known in the West as Jesus Christ—the so-called Son of God). These legends are rooted in the Sun God and Solar God concepts. For example, right-minded historians and social scientists have traced these rituals and customs back to the worship of the Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice; in fact Kersey Graves in his monumental book titled, “The World Sixteen Crucified Saviors” he listed at least sixteen World Saviors that had the exact same identical advents attributed to their lives that we have associated with Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus the son of Joseph). (Reference John G. Jackson; “Introduction to African Civilization”).
These folklore and mythological stories are rooted in lessons of the immortality of the soul. This is no more evident than when a Master Mason is raised from a dead level to a living perpendicular on the square—90 degrees upright. Hiram Abiff—born, died, resurrected and ascended and the Masonic legend owes its origin to Kemet (Ancient Egypt) this is where the mythological teachings originated. This writer has an audio tape of Dr. Chancellor Williams author of the book “Destruction of Black Civilization” gave a talk titled, “Christianity Before Christ” (yes there was Christianity before Christ) and he too delved into the World Saviors that predated the birth of Christianity. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked perhaps the most essential question: Who is the original man? Answer: The Asiatic Black man the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet earth father of civilization, God of the Universe. (Reference: Naim Akbar; “Know Thy Self”).
It is taught in the Masonic ritual that Hiram Abiff’s usual practice at that hour, while the craft were from labor to refreshment, to enter into the unfinished 'Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies' of the Temple and there offer up his adoration to the Deity and draw his designs on the trestle board. The three fellow crafts who persisted in their murderous designs, knowing this to be his usual practice, placed themselves at the South, West, and east gates of the inner courts of the temple, and there awaited his (Hiram Abiff) return. The Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, having finished his usual exercises, attempted to retire by the South gate when he was accosted by Jubela, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a master Mason, or the master's word, and on his being refused, gave him a blow the twenty-four inch gage across the throat. Allen Roberts states, "when a man's throat is silenced, it is difficult to carry on his activities efficiently. Too often the enemy will endeavor to destroy freedom of speech." (Reference: Allen E. Roberts; “The Craft and its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism”) and Malcolm Duncan: “Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry”).
Hiram Abiff fled and attempted to pass out at the West gate where he was accosted by Jubelo, who in like manner, demanded of him the secrets of a master Mason, or the master's word, and on his being refused, gave him a blow with the square across on his breast. Mr. Robert states, "others will try to maim a person with blows to the heart. The heart is not only a vital organ, but symbolically holds all that is good or divine in man." By dulling or killing this divine light, man becomes useless. Hiram Abiff after this blow across the chest he fled, and attempted to make his escape out at the east gate, where he was accosted by Jubelum, who, in like manner, thrice demanded the secrets of a master Mason, or the master's word. And his like refusal Jebelum dealt him a violent blow with the setting-maul on his forehead, which killed him dead on the spot. Mr. Roberts states, "a blow to the head, or brain, is the worst that man can suffer. It destroys freedom of thought. This creates ignorance. Where there is ignorance, there is despotism. A few control the many. These few use the majority as pawns in their quest for power and more power." (Reference: Allen E. Roberts; “The Craft and its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism”) and Malcolm Duncan: “Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry”).
The Ruffians buried the body in the rubbish of the temple until low twelve or twelve at night, when they met by agreement and carried it a Westerly course from the Temple to the brown of a hill West of Mount Moriah where they buried it in a grave dug due east and West, six feet perpendicular, at the head planted an acacia (evergreen plant), in order The body of our Grand Master was buried three times: first, in the rubbish of the Temple; secondly, on the brow of a hill West of Mount , Moriah; and thirdly and lastly, as near the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple, as the Jewish law would permit; and Masonic tradition informs us that there was erected to his memory a Masonic monument, consisting of "a beautiful virgin, weeping over a broken column; before her was a book open; in her right hand a spring of acacia, in her left an urn; behind her stands Time, unfolding and counting the ringlets of her hair." The beautiful virgin weeping over the broken column denoted the unfinished state of the Temple, likewise the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; the book open before her, that his virtues lay on perpetual record; the spring of acacia in her right hand, the divinity of the body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were therein safely deposited, under the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple. (Reference: Allen E. Roberts; “The Craft and its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism”) and Malcolm Duncan: “Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry”).
The true Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews had its inception rooted in the history of King Solomon. Imam Mustafa El-Amin in his ground breaking research and whom I am so gratefully indebted to, authored perhaps two of the most definitive books titled, “Freemasonry: Ancient Egypt and the Islamic Destiny” and “Islam, Christianity and Freemasonry” as far as analyzing Freemasonry from a Muslim and Islamic perspective; he stands as a pioneer on the subject. EL-Amin characterized the three Conspirators as Jewish Ruffians—Jubela , Jubelo and Jubelum symbolize a gamut of allegorical ideas and cannot be limited to one definitive interpretation. The Biblical Jews historical opposed the ministry Yeshua Ben Josef (Jesus Christ) who was of African descent (a Nubian Hebrew Israelite); in like manner EL-Amin maintained they were the ones who conspired against mythological Hiram Abiff and more importantly opposed the prophet-hood of Solomon, who was sent by Allah. The Jewish Ruffians used the same tools i.e., 24-inch gauge, square, and setting ;maul, thus the same tools used in traveling the first three degrees--l) Entered Apprentice, 2 ) Fellow Craft, 3) Master Mason which were used on two levels i.e., physical construction and spiritual transformation. But the same tools became instruments of physical and spiritual destruction. It teaches us that there is some Ruffian behavior in all of us and oftentimes larceny just lies dormant. (Reference: Mustafa El-Amin; “Freemasonry: Ancient Egypt and the Islamic Destiny”).
The Hiram Abiff mythology is based on a murderous conspiracy, thievery, lies, extortion, and deception in which the Black man became the victim of these historical assaults and atrocities. The Europeans who came to Africa hit the black man (African) in the throat rendering them ineffective in communicating their language, history, culture, norms, folkways, mores, etc., robbed them of the knowledge of self and stripped them of their native tongue—language is the life blood to a people’s connection to a culture and a heritage. Moreover, there were no one present who could articulate the pain and suffering of the poor widow's sons and daughters. This is why history produced a Nat Turner, David Walker, Demark Vesey, Bishop McNeil Turner, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Wali Fard Muhammad, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Louis Farrakhan, etc., these uncompromising leaders reached down in our oppression with the Master Grip and Lion Paw and sought to raised the black man from his social predicament. They were ordained by God to seek freedom, justice and equality for the Asiatic Black man. The European Slave Makers systematically divided the Africans on the slave ships, as well as on the slave plantations whom he recognized were of the same ethnic family. He did not want all Wolof, Ashanti, Mandinkas, Hausas, Fulani, lbo, Ewe etc., communicating amongst each other—with the same tongue (language has the potential to unify people) because of the danger it posed for the conspirators. They strategically cut off our language power. And now the Black man throughout the Diaspora only speaks his colonizers language. Thus this is the first blow that symbolical Hiram suffered; is there no help for the poor widow's son? (Reference:
Mustafa El-Amin; “Islam, Christianity and Freemasonry”).
The square across the chest of Hiram Abiff symbolizes that the Black man and woman was struck by the Slave Makers who desired to make us like themselves—heartless and without love for self and humanity (from my study, a Mason is first made a Mason in their Heart). The Slave masters history is written in blood (kidnap, rape, and murder). They removed the good spirits and souls of the Black man and replaced them with false spiritual inclinations, self hatred, self-denial, dependency and more devastating gave us a White Jesus (God) to place next to our wanting hearts. We must work to recapture the humanity and self-dignity bestowed on us by the Supreme Being. Some of our behavior today is a direct result of what took place yesterday, but psychological repression perhaps dictates some of our present day behavior as a nation—black and white. (Reference: Zachery P. Gremillion: “African Origin of Freemasonry”).
Muhammad stated, “90% of the ministers of the Protestant world are members of the Masonic order, and is something to be appalled at when you know what is going on in the Masonic Lodge, especially when we see that he is a Mason, and is a follower of the devil in their rituals. 1 am speaking of the devils, the Black preachers, the Catholic Church, the so-called holy and otherwise, have their own form of worship of Allah (the Blackman) in such orders as the Knights of Columbus, and the order of Alhambra. Let us consider the Protestant minister who darns the drawer and cable tow and hoodwink of the Masonic brotherhood. Here we see a man who teaches the people of his audience the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ, and that the people must be baptized in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Ghost (whatever that is). They must believe that Jesus died for their sins. Yet, he goes to the Masonic lodge and declares himself to be a poor blind traveler searching for the light with a rope around his neck in bondage. Within the lodge he takes part in rituals that purposely exclude the name of Jesus, and his title "Son of God" and secretly darn the Fez worn by those who believe that only (Allah) is to be worshipped. The very next Sunday, there he is back in church telling the ignorant people about how Jesus died for their sins. What kind of crazy hypocrisy is this? He teaches about that loving God who gave His son to die for the people and at the same time the minister wears the ring of a traveling man.” (Reference: Nasir Makr Hakim; “The True History of Master Fard Muhammad”).
Their social scientist can give explanations about every pathological aspect of human behavior, but refuses to acknowledge that slavery was a criminal act and it is this denial that will continue to create racial and social tension, in particular in the United States. The United States after 400 years of oppression, racism and human injustice has never even had a serious national discussion relative to race. This writer believes that African people today suffers from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Those nations that participated in this crime are guilty as charged, but none of their commercial shrinks with their psychological analysis and empirical research data models, have ever spoken about the effect that 310 years of slavery had on the psychological and social development of Black people. Our hearts were sacred until these wicked conspirators brought their foreign and alien culture to the purest people to have ever walked upon the face of the earth and took them as captives. (Reference: Asa G. Hilliard, III; “The Reawaking of the African Mind”).
The final blow to Hiram Abiff was that he was hit in the head with a setting maul in which killed the Master Builder. The Slave Makers stripped the Asiatic Black man of the knowledge of self and literally stole the minds of our African ancestors. This perhaps was the most devastating blow, not only to Hiram Abiff, it was this blow to the head that rendered the Grand Master dead and when you kill a peoples mind (mind is god) and rob them of their humanity—there is nothing more crippling. The Asiatic Black man even in 2008 has yet too psychologically, socially, politically, and economically recuperate from the long term affect of the blow 450 years ago. This blow left African people with historical amnesia (many of them forgot from whence they came). This is why we unconditionally accepted an imposter White Jesus as being God and is drunk off European Christianity because we are out of our minds; we must work to recapture the African mind. Yes, this writer is sorry to inform you that Christianity is the slave master’s religion. (Reference: Naim Akbar; “Chains and Images of Psychological Slavery”).
The African mind is the one that built the pyramids, who also advanced the ideas in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, architecture, agriculture, religion, spirituality, etc. That blow to Hiram's (Black man and woman) head is what made us Negroes or 'the walking dead.' The black Masonic scholars lack the knowledge of self and they are constantly looking to be led by white Masonic Scholars which to write the philosophy and history of Speculative Freemasonry for them. Elijah Muhammad said of all the knowledge that one can acquire; there is none more valuable than acquiring the knowledge of self. He also, said my teachings can be summed up in six words “accept your own and be yourself.” Historians and anthropologist have stated that inscribed and in written in the language of Metu Neter (Hieroglyphics) on all the walls of the pyramids stated, “MAN KNOW THY SELF”. (Reference: Elijah Muhammad; “The Message to the Blackman in America”).
The tribe of Judah must roar once again. Mr. Roberts stated: "It is claimed that Solomon was once symbolic of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. An emulation of his merits, philosophy, love of God, and wisdom will assure his followers of an exemplary life in this world. While living as Solomon did, any man will be able to the grim tyrant of death, and receive him as a kind messenger sent from our Supreme Grand Master, to translate us from this imperfect, to that all perfect, glorious, and celestial lodges above
In all of the Masonic and Shriners travels, they are never going to expose us to true interpretations of what the symbolism really means. Many of the 32ND and 33rd Degree Masons that are Shriners, in particular the Black ones, do not even know where Egypt and Saudi Arabia are on the world map. They are strictly caught up in lodge ritualism and perhaps think that the geographical place in which the Order speaks of does not exist in present day terms. I am not foolish to think and believe that the people who are occupying Egypt and Arabia today are the original people who built world civilization. The Arabs and the Jews are imposters—supplants who have stolen our original birthrights for their own. Dr. Chancellor Williams eloquently writes about this in his book, Destruction of Black Civilization, "these imposters pushed the dark skinned Kimites into Southern Egypt, as well as into Sudan and back down to Ethiopia." (Reference: Chancellor Williams; “Destruction of Black Civilization”).
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us: "Why isn't the devil settled on the best part of the planet Earth? Answer, because the earth belongs to the original Black man and knowing that the devil was wicked and there would not be any peace among them. He put him out in the worst part of the earth and ke)}t the best preserved for himself ever since he made it. The best part is in Arabia at the holy City Mecca. The colored man or Caucasian is the devil. Arabia is in the far east and is boarded by the Indian Ocean on the South.”. (Elijah Muhammad: “The Student Enrollment lessons”).
The best part of the earth, teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, is Mecca (which is North East Africa) and the Muslim Sons (Shriners) and the Muslim followers of Islam are taught to turn to the East for enlightenment and spiritual guidance. But even as they turn symbolically to the mothers and fathers of civilizations they do not realize that Saudi Arabia is a Black country.
Ben Ammi's original Hebrew Israelite Nation agrees with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's historical contentions as they relate to the so-called Middle East and Africa. The Hebrews ask the question: The Middle East or Northeast Africa? Geographically, the "Middle East" makes absolutely no sense in our contemporary understanding of the region. It is a term that was imposed during the days of England's domination of world affairs, and which reflects their Euro-centric perspective. Voyages to that was/is known as the "Far East" (China, Japan, the Orient, etc.) required passing through the region; hence, they called it the "Middle East." Though the sun has long set on the British Empire, the deceptive term remains etched on the maps and minds of the world. Yet, it is simply impossible to depict Africa on a map without Israel and the surrounding land being squarely situated in the Northeastern Quadrant, hence our insistence upon Northeastern Africa. (Reference: Ben Ammi and Ahamadiel Ben-Yehuda; “A Viewer’s Guide to the African/Edenic Heritage Museum: Exploring the African Presences in the Promise Land”).
So, the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of Mystic Shrine are turning toward the Northeastern African continent for moral and spiritual guidance, but the Black man has been intellectually duped because of his ignorance of world history and thinks the Masonic traveling ritual is pointing to some mulatto imposter Arab of Mecca and Egypt and do not know it is talking about him the original man—God. You are that biblical stone written about in the book of 1 Peter 2: 6-9, which stated, “Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, behold, I lay a Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth in him shall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious; but unto them which is disobedient, the stone which builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner. And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: where unto also they were appointed. But ye area chosen generation, a royal priesthood a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into this marvelous light.” (King James Version of the Holy Bible1 Peter 2: 6-9).
This is one of the world’s best kept Masonic secrets and no Masonic scholar has ever revealed this symbolic history relative to the African American experience and its correlation to Hiram Abiff. The black Masonic order does not have the knowledge or the courage to explore and be innovative as scholars who desire to make a contribution to Masonic scholarship and to the field of Speculative Masonic thought. They are steeped in mundane ritual work while others are giving them THE SIGNS, THE TOKENS, AND THE WORD and they still lack the ability to find the LOST WORD.
Fahim A. Knight-EL Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of good will of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolisms and reinterpret the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlighten world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight can be reached at
Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)
Under the philosophical and spiritual teachings and belief system of ancient Kemet (Egypt), numbers played a significant role. This is contrary to the sometimes derogatory, negative, ahistorical and Eurocentric interpretation that are given today.
For example, in ancient Kemet, the number seven represented completion. Thus, the Euro-Christian Holy Bible says that Almighty God rested on the seventh day after the completion of creation. The seventh day of the week, Sunday, is now regarded "a day of rest from servile work."
Let us also recall that in ancient Kemet, Son was synonymous with Sun. So this A.D. Euro-Christian religious belief concept of the Son of God is nothing but derivative of the original Afrikan-Kemetic spiritual belief system.
In ancient Kemet, there were also seven cardinal principles/virtues of Goddess Maat to achieve human perfectibility. These principles are Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Compassion, Harmony, and Reciprocity.
In addition, the Greeks who were the students of Afrikans teachers in ancient Kemetic Temples, "were given and education in the seven Liberal Arts, which became the prototype for the later Greek and Roman (and current world-wide) education systems". These seven Liberal Arts courses were Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric, Dialetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music.
In Biblical times, there are thus "seven deadly sins of the bible," viz, Sloth, Lust, Anger, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, and Greed. There is also the "seven pointed star," where all seven points are equidistant, radiating seven currents of force that represent seven principles of human existence.
This ancient Afrikan belief system gave rise to the seven Hermetic principles, which are the foundation of Hermetic philosophy. These principles are the Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, and The Principle of Gender.
Hence, it need occasion no great surprise that in 1965, an Afrikan-American professor, Dr. Maulana Karenga, created the Afrikan-centered celebration of Kwanzaa based on the doctrine of Kawaida. This Nguzo Saba (Kwanzaa) celebration lasts for seven days from the 26th December to 1st January. Its primary raison d'etre is "to give thanks and to make a joyful noise in a meaningful and traditional way."
The seven principles of Kwanzaa are:
1. Umoja (Unity)
2. Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
3. Ujima (Collective work and Responsibility)
4. Ujamaa ( Cooperative Economics)
5. Nia (Purpose)
6. Kuuma (Creativity)
7. Imani (Faith)
Kwanzaa indeed solidifies and perpetuates our ancient Afrikan spirituality.
In addition, the Afrikan spiritual belief system cities seven Stages/Ages of Man in the completion of his life cycle. They are Infancy, Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Middle-age, Old-age, and Senility. And every human being possesses seven senses; they are Hearing, Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell, Intuition, and Clairvoyance.
In ancient Kemet, our Afrikan ancestors believed in the nine inseperable parts of the soul. According to
Dr. Kwabena F. Ashanti is his Rootwork and Voodo in Mental Health, (1997) these parts are:
(1) The Ka -the abstract personality of the individual to whom it belongs, Possessing the form and attributes of a human with power of movement omnipresence, and ability to receive nourishment. Equivalent to what we call the shadow image.
(2) The Khat - the mortal concrete personality, the physical body.
(3) The Ba- the heart-soul, which lives in the Ka and sometimes beside it, to supply the Ka with food and air. Capable of metamorphosis.
(4) The Ab- the heart, the physical life in humans, spiritual, rational and ethical. Associated with the Ba(heart-soul). In the Egyptian Judgment Drama, it undergoes examination in the presence of the God Osiers, the great creator and judge of the dead.
(5) The Kaibit-the shadow. Also associated with the Ba, from which it receives its nourishments. Has the power of movement and omnipresence.
(6) The Khu-spiritual soul that lives forever. A heavenly being, closely associated with the Ba.
(7) The Sahu- the spiritual body in which the Khu or spiritual soul dwells. The moral nature of mental and spiritual qualities is united to form new powers that man has the choice to use for good or evil.
(8) The Sekhem- the power or spirit of the vital force in humans. Lives in the heavens with the spirit of Khu.
(9) The Ren- the name of an individual, the essential attribute for preservation of a being. The ancients believed that in the absence of a name, individual ceased to exist. The quality of a name, therefore, was very important.
In addition, Egyptians were also "the first to identify the Gods of order and arrangement in the universe." This Ennead of ancient Kemet consisted of nine gods. They are:
(1) Shu, the God of air;
(2) Tefnut, the Goddess of Moisture;
(3) Geb, the God of Earth; and
(4) Nut, Goddess of the sky; universe
These Gods gave birth to
(5) Osiris, the God of omnipotence and omniscience;
(6) Isis, the wife of Osiris, the female principle;
(7) Seth, the God of evil, opposite good;
(8) Nephthys, wife of Seth, and
(9) Atum (Atom), the creator God of Gods.
In ancient Kemet, "in keeping with the nine inseparable parts of the human soul, a child is not given a name (Ren) until it was nine days old." This ancient Kemetic spiritual ceremony is now called "Baptism" in the Euro-Christian religious ceremony.
In addition, it need occasion no great surprise that a mother (mom) carries her baby in her womb for nine months before delivery/birth and the fact that today a cat has nine lives.
There were also nine cardinal Principles of Righteousness or being right in ancient Kemet. They were as follows:
(1) Right intentions
(2) Right thought
(3) Right speech
(4) Right effort
(5) Right action
(6) Right living
(7) Right reality
(8) Right understanding
(9) Right wisdom
Under the philosophical and spiritual teachings of the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Mystery System, the number thirteen represented transformation, resurrection, rebirth and a new life. So in the B.C. era, originally, there was nothing negative, scary, shameful, or unlucky about the number thirteen.
Its use has only been bastardized in today's cynical, ignorant world, belief systems and modus vivendi. Furthermore, under the ancient Egyptian secret Brotherhood, commonly known today as Freemasonry, the number thirteen had special meaning and significance with regard to the establishment of complete freedom of worship, governance, social order and esoteric philosophy.
The fact of the matter is that all the early U.S. Presidents were Masons steeped in the teachings and philosophy of the ancient Egyptian Mystery System. These individuals then transferred all the positive aspects of the number thirteen to rule, govern and protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the United States.
First, when the U.S. Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787, thirteen out of the forty signatories were freemasons. Second, the independence of United States falls on 4 July 1776. This date was timed by Masonic "Founding Fathers" to coincide with the astrological sign of Cancer-which also ruled ancient Egypt. Now, the fourth of July follows exactly thirteen days after the Sun enters the sign of Cancer during the summer solstice beginning 21 June and 4 July. Thus, the United States was founded on ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) spiritual principles and belief. In the year 1776, we have seven plus six, which makes thirteen.
The "Founding Fathers" of the United States did not arbitrarily select the Fourth of July 1776 as Independence Day. In the tradition of Kemetic spiritually, philosophy and belief systems in the B.C. era, the 4 July 1776 then gave America a new life, a rebirth, a transformation and resurrection from its status as a colony of Britain to that of a new sovereign, independent, nation-state.
On the whole then, Masonic lodges, based on the principles concepts and belief system of number thirteen were introduced in American colonies in 1738. The Boston Masons organized the "Boston Tea Party" at the Green Dragon Tavern, described by Daniel Webster as "the headquarters of the American revolution."
Paul Revere was a master Mason as was every general officer in the U.S. revolutionary army starting with Joseph Warren, Grand Master of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge and the first to die at Bunker Hill. Two thousand more Masons were among officers of all grades, including George Washington's aide-de-camp, who fought in this battle. Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, fifty were Masons including its prime author, Thomas Jefferson.
In the colonies, the practice of Freemasonry, was the only institution in which leaders of different colonies could meet on common ground. Founded on universal principles, i.e., the brotherhood of man, the immortality of the soul and the existence of a supreme spiritual being, which came out of ancient Kemet, in the B.C. era, the Mason Lodge in early America became a sanctuary in which each man could not meet on an equal plane.
In Virginia, when members of Alexandria's Mason Lodge 22 declared themselves independent from the foreign jurisdiction, the named George Washington "First Master of their Lodge". And when peace finally came, Robert Livingston, Grand Master of New York's Grand Lodge, administered the oath of office to George Washington as the first president. And at George Washington's burial on his estate at Mount Vernon, six of the pallbearers and three of the officiating clergymen were Masons.
One by one, Washington's Masonic brethren cast upon his coffin the ritual of the ancient Egyptians Osirian symbol of the resurrection of the spirit. Freemasons decided to raise a Tekhenu, the phallic symbol of the God Ausar (Osiris as the Greeks were later to call him) in Washington's memory. Proposed in Congress be Mason John Marshall of Virginia, the Tekhenu was built from granite and marble blocks. At the Tekhenu's dedication in 1884, Speaker of the House, Robert C. Wintrop, regretted that Americans did not have the skill the Egyptians had and could not build the 600-foot Tekhenu from one single slab of stone.
Mason John C. Palmer declared that the monument symbolized human society which consisted of people whose minds were enlightened with divine truth, their hearts radiant with discovering the joy of pure love, and their souls cherishing (like ancient Egyptians worshipers of Osiris) the hope of immortality.
Third, it is no accident, that at independence, there were thirteen colonies. Fourth, if one were to look at a U.S. one dollar bill, one will discover with amazement that there are thirteen layers of the pyramid-which was built by Afrikans in the B.C. era and not by putative aliens from out of space or "tanned Europeans" and the Great Seal of the United States has thirteen layers. Fifth, the thirteen amendment gave the slaves a new life, a rebirth, transformation, and resurrection from their status as slaves to that of "free-men". Sixth, in courtroom proceedings under any legal system in the entire world, there are twelve members of the jury plus the one judge, which gives a total of thirteen participants.
And Finally, the Euro-Christian Holy Bible says that there is no record of Jesus from age thirteen until age thirty. Well where was he? Why did Jesus leave home at this age "to be about his father's business"? Why didn't he choose to leave home at sixteen or seventeen years of age? Did Jesus know about the spiritual teachings of the ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Mystery System and that's why he had to leave home at that celestial age? Where did Jesus go at age thirteen to be educated so that he can be resurrected and transformed?
The number fourteen was also significant in ancient Kemet. This is associated with the "Osirian Drama". The story/mythology is as follows: Seth (the God of evil) was jealous of his brother Osiris (the God of the dead, underworld and resurrection) who was receiving all the praise and glory. In his rage, Seth cut Osiris' body into fourteen parts and distributed them all over Kemet.
However Osiris' wife, Isis transformed herself into a bird and flew all over kemet in search of the body parts of Osiris. Isis only found thirteen parts. The missing part that she was unable to find was Osiris phallus/penis.
The myth says that it was eaten by the fish in the Nile River. Isis then made an artificial penis with mud and water from the water from the Nile. She was then able to impregnate herself and thus give birth to a Son called Heru, whom the Euro-Greeks renamed Horus, and Catholics now call Jesus.
In other words, Isis created a new life consistent with the spiritual concept of number thirteen and this spiritual phenomenon of ancient Kemet is called the "Immaculate Conception" or "Virgin Birth" in the Euro-Christian religion today. In addition, at Easter Christians/Catholics all over the world, celebrate the "Fourteen Stations of the Cross," which is a direct religious derivative of the ancient Kemetic spiritual "Osirian Drama".
This artificial penis that Isis created was originally called the Tekhenu by the ancient Afrikan Kemites; it was later called the Obelisk by the Greeks when they occupied Egypt 332 B.C. to 30 B.C.; and the Washington Monument in Euro-America in the modern A.D. era. Moreover, on 19 May 1798, when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt with 328 ships, 175 scholars and 35,000 soldiers he was so overwhelmed and totally annoyed at the massive monuments he saw that were built by Afrikan people that he ordered his soldiers to blow off the nose of the Horem Akhet (called the Sphinx by the Greeks). But his soldiers had to fire twenty-one shots in order to blow the nose off the Sphinx: hence, the origin of the "Twenty-one gun Salute" that is performed at Arlington Cemetary in the United States.
As an addendum, Spirituality represents a direct connectedness/inter-relatedness with nature, the cosmos, universe and that spiritual God-force, Amum-Ra, "the giver of life"; it is this ancient Afrikan god who was born on 25 December.
Religion represents the deification of a people's cultural experience, politics and political power control intent. Hence, the reason why in ancient Kemet, under the spiritual belief system and way of life, the Afrikan-Kemites were judged by the "42 Negative Confessions", "42 Declarations of Innocence" or "42 Admonitions of Maat." They were 42 in number because there were 42 "Nomes" (called districts/states today) in Kemet at that time. Today, however, under the religious belief system and way of life of Euro-Christianity/Catholicism, Christians are judged by the "Ten Commandments".
The fact of the matter is that in the B.C. era Afrika was known as the "land of the spiritual people"; but as a result of the European supremacy, Afrikan peoples have been transformed into a religious people.
Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)
An analysis by Dr. Kwame Nantambu who is an Associate Professor,
Dept. of Pan-African Studies, Kent State University, U.S.A.
A Nubian has been always renowned for his sheer honesty. He is an artist by nature and his lucky number was always seven. He holds the nine as a sacred object and wishes to stay on the Nile bank throughout his life.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Christopher Kill-umbus: The Mind of a Serial Killer :|
Sunday, October 13, 2013
2:17 PM
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here to read what hedz are sayin' (comments) below
4. (written
5. "History
is written by those who win and those who dominate."
— Edward
Said, literary critic
6. Every
second Monday in October, Banks and schoolz are closed and government offices
are empty in remembrance of the infamous European explorer, Christopher
Columbus. For hundredz of yearz, Columbus has had a special place in the
history of the New World. To Afrikanz, celebrating Columbus Day is actually
celebrating the mass destruction of our own people! Instead of a day where we
see parades and floats down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, it should be a day of
7. Not only
was Columbus part of the initial european conquest of the world, his legacy
serves as a blockade to the real history behind the purposely-covered fact that
there were otherz, including Afrikanz not only in the America's, but sailed
from other parts of the world to here well before him.
8. Still
there's something historianz marvel Columbus for than the otherz. If you ask
me, it's that thing that resides in YTs nature, the barbaric act of violence!
He claimed everything he saw when he set foot on these territories. Native
landz, mineral wealth, natural resources, and even the inhabitants immediately
became European "property." This could only be launched with violence
using torture, maim, rape, and other unspeakable acts.
9. Columbus
introduced two phenomena that revolutionized race relationz and transformed the
modern world: (1)the taking of land, wealth, and labor from indigenous peoples,
which lead to their near extermination, and (2)the transatlantic slave trade or
Maangamizi, which created a racial underclass.
10. The New
World fascinated YT, most notably the elite. This obsession was directly
responsible for a rise in European self-consciousness. From the beginning,
America was perceived as an "opposite" to Europe in wayz that even
Afrika never had been. In a sense, there was no "Europe" before 1492.
People were simply French, Tuscan, etc. Now they began to see similarities
among themselves, at least when compared to the native from the Americas.
Basically, until the first Indianz and Afrikanz arrived, there were no
"white" people in Europe before 1492. With the Transatlantic Slave
Trade, Europeanz began seein' "white" as a race and race as an
important human characteristic.
11. Columbus'
own writingz reflect this increasing ideology on racizm. When he tried selling
Queen Isabella on the wonderz of the Americas, the Indianz were "well
built" and "of quick intelligence. They have very good
customize," he wrote, "and the king maintains a very marvelous state,
of a style so orderly that it is a pleasure to see it, and they have good
memories and they wish to see everything and ask what it is and for what it is
12. Later,
when Columbus was justifying his terrorist attacks and enslavement of them,
they became "cruel" and "stupid," "a people warlike
and numerous, whose customz and religion are very different from ourz."
13. He gives
us the first recorded example of contradictory reports in the Americas, for
although the Indianz may have changed from hospitable to angry, they could
hardly have gone from intelligent to stupid that quickly. This change had to be
in Columbus.
15. History
has shown YT cares little of indigenous culture and viewz the local population
as nothing more than a slave labor force. As a result, they began to disappear
as the European invaderz advanced. Disease, forced labor, invasion, and
conquest caused the deaths of millionz, something YTs clever enough to leave
out of their history books.
16. It is this
mass enslavement that provided America and Europe with its vast resources of
wealth, natural resources, and free labor that enabled them to gain world
domination mainly on the backs of Afrikan and other indigenous people.
17. Even
though it has been historically documented there were otherz (including
Afrikanz) who travelled to the America's hundredz if not thousandz of yearz
before Columbus, there was one thing that set him apart from the other
18. Starting
in their early school yearz our children are told Columbus was an adventurer,
forefather of human progress, a hero to humanity, and the sole discoverer of
the Americas. History textbooks have painted him as a brave, daring, and
enlightened explorer who singlehandedly pulled Europe out of the Dark Ages, but
how he did it has been blatantly left out. The hidden jewel is the fact that
Columbus is responsible for the murder of millionz of indigenous people. In
fact, he may be on the Top 5 murdererz in the history of wo/man!
19. Let's be
clear, if the life of Columbus continues to be celebrated, then hedz should be
made aware of his entire life. By his own admission, he described himself as a
slave trader — probably having sent some 5000 more than any other individual,
starting first in Afrika then bringing this practice to the Americas — and a
conquerer. I think he was bein' modest. I would add he was an invader, pirate,
savage, and probably the worldz first serial killer! I mean, this man should be
added to the notorious list of murdererz which include Napoleon, the Rothschild
click, Cecil Rhodes, Hitler, Stalin, Jim Jones, even the (George) Bush family
(to name a few)!
20. Tallying
the total number of victimz will probably never be known, but they may likely
surpass the amount of hedz just mentioned. Columbus was a different kind of
killer. He was more like the alleged islamic terrorists behind 9/11, which is
called a spree killer. Only in a whiteman's society can a man who instigated
the genocide of a people be widely celebrated for it.
21. He was
responsible for slaughtering, enslaving, and exploiting Native inhabitants and
Afrikanz the moment he arrived to the New World, causing a massive epidemic,
along with European diseases that claimed countless lives. What emerges from
this hallow-day is not only the memory of the bloodshed that he caused, but
also the accompanying sainthood he's received serving as YTs tribute and praise
of white dominion by way of widespread destruction.
22. 1492
marked the beginning of the end for the natives. Most of those who didn't die
from the diseases YT brought — like diphtheria, measles, smallpox, and malaria
— were killed outright, expelled from their land, or forced into slavery. By
the way, there's insurmountable evidence that show Columbus wasn't the first
European to reach the Americas. As a matter of fact, he never claimed to have
done so; white historianz did it for him.
23. By this
time, our Afrikan Ancestorz already knew the earth was round and sailed here as
early as 1500BC; almost 3000 yearz before Columbus. Thanks to the work of Ivan
Van Sertima, this is proven by the numerous unmistakably Afrikan-featured Olmec
Headz (17 found to date) that were sculpted in the Gulf of Mexico region.
During Columbus' era (the 15th century), the greatest mindz of europe were
still thinking Earth was flat. Actually, Columbus thought the earth was
pear-shaped and was way off on his calculationz about the size of Earth as well
as the distance between Europe and Asia.
24. As said,
Columbus wasn't the discoverer of the Americas and although he was the vital
piece to the european conquest of this part of the world, he wasn't the first
at that either. A viking by the name of Leif Erikson who visited what we know
call Newfoundland almost 500 yearz before Columbus reached Hispaniola — a major
island of the Caribbean which comprises of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. So
actually, Erikson was the man who pioneered european colonization. But I
digress, this piece is about Columbus, hedz know who he is… or do we?
27. What do
the wordz 'colon' and 'colonializm' have in common? Not only do we find one as
the root word of the other, it is also the original name of this infamous
pirate, Christopher Columbus! A 'colonic' is a procedure that uses irrigation
to clean the colon for therapeutic benefits. 'Irrigate' is defined as a
continuous flow of water. In this case, water is symbolic for caucasianz as
they flooded the globe with their terrorist crusades to conquer land and its
28. Columbus'
real name was Cristobol Colon! Some additional facts you won't find in YTs
history books are:
1) Colon
came to the western hemisphere by mistake. He was searching for the
"East" looking for, among other thingz, spices and other commodities
to help a starving Europe to preserve their meats. Since Europeanz did not, at
that time, have knowledge of longitude and latitude, Colon ended up sailing
West to the Caribbean Islandz. Arriving there, he called the Indigenous people
"Indianz", thinking he was in the "East Indies" near the
Asian country of India. Thus, he re-named all of the Indigenous people
"Indianz" which was not their natural names. He later had Afrikan
navigatorz on board who knew longitude and latitude.
2) Colon
never stepped foot on the American mainland. He landed in the Caribbean
islandz. Upon landing there, he received reports of Afrikanz having visited
there long before his voyages. In fact, Afrikanz had sailed to the Pacific
Islandz at least 1000 yearz before Colon and traveled to the western hemisphere
at least 2000 yearz before he was even born!
3) Colon
praised the hospitality of the native people, yet said that they had to be
destroyed in order to take control of the wealth of their landz.
4) Prior to
sailing to the New World, Colon sailed along the coast of West Afrika,
capturing Afrikanz for enslavement in Portugal. This was facilitated by Papal
Bulles, another name for proclamationz, statues, or a bill, issued by Popes of
the Christian Roman Catholic Church. In 1455, the Pope issued a bulle to
Portugal authorizing it to reduce to servitude, better put, enslave
"infidelz" or non-christian people. This was followed by a Papl bulle
issued by — peep the name — Pope Innocent VIII in 1491 that divided the world
into two halves for the purpose of enslaving Afrikan and other Indigenous
people. The Pope gave the eastern half (Afrika, etc.) to Portugal, and the
western half (the Americas, etc.) to Spain. Colon came to the Americas
representing Spain. Britain, France, and other enslaving European countries did
not follow this protocol and the mad dash to slice up the world for European
benefit began and its damaging effects persist to this day.
29. When we
analyze the Columbus Day Parade, which again happenz every second Monday in
October since 1929, it beginz on Fifth Avenue at 47th street and goes on up to
79th Street. Is there any surprise the day starts out with, 'Columbus Day Mass'
which takes place at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue and 50th
Street?!!? So we see here again, the Roman Catholic Church and christianz
paying homage to their god whom they believe condones these acts of the
monstrous wrath the lineage of Popes have unleashed (and continue to unleash)
on the world, particularly, Afrikan people — I can't tell you how much it vexes
me to see brainwashed Afrikanz attend.
30. Make no
mistake about it, this country shows their appreciation of Columbus' pillages
religiously and through government — naming state capitolz (Columbus, Ohio),
cities and even built statues in his honor. Columbus Circle sits right next to
Central Park in New York City (read, 'Urban Unrest--Afrikan Burial Ground:
Remnants of Slavery in New York'). See, we have to really take a look — with
Afrikan eyes — who this country deemz worthy of praise. When you do, you'll see
of the many monuments, statues, parks, and streets names, most are of men who
should be considered criminalz to humanity because they either were in on the
origin or participated in the enslavement of Afrikanz and exploitation of our
32. "As
one gatherz eggz that have been abandoned in fright have I gathered the whole
— Sennacherib,
the Assyrian King (705-681BC)
33. As
mentioned, the significance of Cristobol Colon’s voyages to the western
hemisphere, is that this opened up Afrika and the Americas to mass murder,
rape, destruction of entire cultures, stolen wealth of the people, and mass
enslavement of Afrikanz and the Indigenous people of the Americas for hundredz
of yearz by Europeanz. European profits from enslavement were shot well over
5000%! Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop estimated that upwardz of 300million Afrikanz lost
their lives during the 400+ yearz of European enslavement.
34. In Ivan
Van Sertima's book, They Came Before Columbus, he spoke of the origin of the
Treaty of Tordesillas, drawn June 7, 1494. This was the result of a meeting
Columbus had with Don Juan, the King of Portugal. Juan conspired with Columbus,
drawing a divider of the world between the two Catholic kingdomz. Any and
everything west of the line would go to Columbus and Spain, everything east, to
Juan and Portugal. This is the audacious mindset of an invader, havin' no
regard of other humanz, feelin' — through the "authority" of their
church — they can divide the world and take everything in it for themselves.
35. What hedz
don't know is accompanying his lust of invasion, Columbus had an insatiable
appetite for greed. He demanded from Spain one third, one eighth, and one tenth
of everything found in the New World. "Thus, if the gainz amounted to
$2400 for a ship, Columbus would expect to receive first $800 for the third;
next $300 for his eighth; and last, $240 for his tenth, making in all $1340,
more than the Crown." (James Bailey, The God-Kings and the Titans pg. 51)
37. Columbus
was also a con man plotting further to scam his own country for riches from
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella — the only one's who financed his expedition
in the first place giving him 3 ships (the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria), a
crew of 90 men and money. He convinced them of a few islandz he could explore
not revealing the vast land and riches the Guinea route and South America had.
He basically told the King and Queen South America was an island so he could
have the rest for himself. Because of this and other growing skepticizmz they
had with him dealing with the Portuguese Isabella started to become suspicious.
38. History
doesn't talk much about his partnerz-in-crime and blood-brotherz, Bartholomew
and Giacomo. Bartholomew built a colony in Espanola named after the Queen,
Isabela, then moving to a new settlement called Santo Domingo near newfound
gold mines. Rebellion from the settlerz soon evolved forcing Columbus to request
a judge be sent from Ferdinand and Isabella to calm thingz in the fall of
1500AD. Little did he know this judge really came to strip Columbus of his
title as governor and viceroy and actually arrest him and his brotherz. They
were seized, placed in chainz and dragged back to Spain naked and in disgrace.
39. On
December 17, 1500, he went before the royal court and was given back stolen his
riches but not his titles. He spent the remaining six yearz of his life trying
to, as historianz put it, restore his "honor" as if his deedz were
honorable (well they were if you were white).
40. But his
pillaging didn't end there. Now that YT was able to continue their global
conquest, on May 9, 1502, he was granted a fourth voyage with instructionz to
search for gold, silver, precious stones, spices, and other riches and was told
to stay away from Hispaniola. Of course he did the opposite, landing at Santo
Domingo on June 29th, partly because of an oncoming hurricane.
41. After the
hurricane he sailed to Central America. The voyage took a toll on his ships
forcing him to land in Jamaica instead of a return to Hispaniola. Literally
shipwrecked, he and his men were marooned on the island. The people of Jamaica
grew tired of providing food for these pirates. In response, Columbus came up
with one of his tricks. Using an almanac he had, he threatened to punish the
islanderz by taking light away from the Moon. On the night of February 29,
1504, there was a lunar eclipse, but the people of Jamaica were unaware, so
they believed Columbus' alleged spell. They immediately went back to providing
for them (realize the kind of devious manipulator he was to even come up with
42. On his
first voyage, Columbus kidnapped some ten to twenty-five Indianz and brought
them to Spain. Only seven or eight of the Indianz gold trinkets, and other
exotica, YT began to froth at the mouth. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
immediately provided Columbus with seventeen ships, about 1,500 men, cannonz,
crossbows, gun, cavalry, and attack dogz for a second voyage.
This savage documented all this in his own journal! On
October 13, 1492, his initial encounter with the Arawaks, he wrote, "At
daybreak great multitudes of men came to the shore, all young and of fine
shapes, and very handsome. Their hair was not curly but loose and coarse like
horse-hair… Their eyes are large and very beautiful." He added, "I
was very attentive to them, and strove to learn if they had any gold. Seeing
some of them with little bits of metal hanging at their noses, I gathered from
them by signs that by going southward or steering round the island in that
direction, there would be found a king who possessed great cups full of
At dawn the next day, Columbus sailed to the other side of
the island, probably one of the Bahamas, and saw two or three villages. He
ended his description of them with these menacing wordz, "I could conquer
the whole of them with fifty men and govern them as I pleased." His log
further illustrates his intentionz, "As soon as I arrived in the Indies
[Bahamas], on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by
force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever
there is in these parts."
When he returned to Haiti in 1493, they demanded food, gold,
spun cotton-whatever the Indianz had that they wanted, including sex with their
women. To ensure cooperation, Columbus used punishment by example. When an
Indian committed even a minor offense, the Spanish cut off his earz or nose.
Disfigured, the person was sent back to his village as living evidence of the
brutality the Spaniardz were capable of.
After a while, the Indianz had had enough. They initially
refused to plant food for them and they abandoned townz near the Spanish
settlements. Eventually, the Arawaks had to physically fight back, but their
sticks and stones were no match to what Columbus had.
These attempts at resistance gave Columbus an excuse to make
war. On March 24, 1495, he set out to conquer the Arawaks. According to
Kirkpatrick Sale, who quotes Ferdinand Columbus' biography of his father,
"The soldierz mowed down dozenz with point-blank volleyz, loosed the dog
to rip open limbz and bellies, chased fleeing Indianz into the bush to skewer
them on sword and pike, and 'with God's aid [wtf?!!?] soon gained a complete
victory, killing many Indianz and capturing otherz who were also killed.'"
Having as yet found any gold, Columbus had to return some kind
of "commodity" to Spain. In 1495 the Spanish on Haiti initiated a
great slave raid. They rounded up 1,500 Arawaks, then selected the 500 best
specimenz (200 died on the way to Spain). Another 500 were chosen as slaves for
the Spaniardz staying on the island. Columbus was excited. "In the name of
the Holy Trinity, we can send from here all the slaves and brazil-wood which
could be sold," he wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella in 1496. "In
Castile, Portugal, Aragon,.. . and the Canary Islands they need many slaves,
and I do not think they get enough from Guinea." He closed saying,
"Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that
can be sold."
arrived alive, but along with the parrots,
Author Hans Koning, who wrote a couple books on Columbus
writes, "There now began a reign of terror in Hispaniola." Spaniardz
began hunting Indianz for sport, murdering them for dog food. Columbus was
certain gold was on the island and in his rage, set up a tribute system the
Indianz were forced to pay tribute to the Catholic Sovereignz every three
In the Cibao (Dominican Republic today), where the gold
mines were, every person 14 yearz of age and up was to pay a large hawk's bell
of gold dust; all otherz were each to pay 25 poundz of cotton. Whenever an
Indian delivered, he received a brass or copper token he must wear around his
neck as proof he made his payment. Any Indian found without this token was
punished. The punishment? Their handz were cut off! With a fresh token, an
Indian was safe for three months, where much of which time would be devoted to
collecting more gold.
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