Sunday, May 5, 2013


There are a lot of blacks in America that have so much self hate that it is frightenting. But the number one thing I have noticed is they would do anything for whitey and his paper dollaz. They go out of their way to put down and align themselves with the elite to bring down people of their own race.Even  set out to hurt other blacks so they can get that pat on the back from MASTER.  These negros would argue and say I'm wrong but the bottom line is they worship money. And who creates money yes whitey. Money seems to be THE ALL for these blacks ,they lose their self respect real quick when it comes to money. For example most of these urban blog sites, urban reality tv shows. Also with all the horrors that has been implemented on blacks around the world in HISTORY you still have blacks joining whitey's organizations like Masonry, The Christian churches and other groups and occults. Whitey's bidding must be down at all cost why for the love of money. That is the only conclusion I have to why a people have gone through such horrors in the past and still want to align themselves with the caucazoids who in his HISTORY has done alot of murders, genocide, colonization and theft of  other people's land and.resources. This is the very reason that most of the Misblack leadership today gets nothing done in our communities ,is also because they have all been brought.

Obama was bought and groomed for this presidency and you can see this man has been doing whatever his elite whitey buddies that put him in office wants , even trying to destroy the liberties of American citizens. For the love of money Obama would drop bombs on innocent Africans heads even though his father was black and call them terrorist while he's doing it. These heartless acts are being done for money. Africom was done for money and the corporations will get their resources even if bombs gotta be dropped. He also over looks blacks and instead does the agenda of gays, illegal immigrants and elite whitey while overlooking the issues of the black community.Truth must be told even if it hurts. That is the only way to correct something when something is wrong . And truthers are being attack left and right and silenced if need be if they have a big enough audience. Money is very tempting when you are without and don't have very little. But self respect and integrity should be number one amongst our leaders and heroes. But once again money seems to be THE ALL for blacks from top to bottom. We have been placed in a matrix system that requires it but not the love of it and when you set out to do anything for it that clearly shows where you stand. The  black conscious community is rampant with yt money lovers selling people's information to whitey.

Money is fictious has no value and even is being printed and coined by Gangster Banksters through central banks like the federal reserve to control the world. Money is the reason when you have someone that comes in truth to uplift our communities there were blacks close to them being bought and sold which allowed the silence and murder of the likes of Garvey, King and Malcolm x. You need money only to take care of physical things in whitey's system, should never be taken to destroy your own people. Money is just another tool of whitey for  his white supremacy and blacks have already bowed down to it.( It's still a Mystery and not History ).