Thursday, June 27, 2013

There was only an Expulsion of the hyksos not an EXODUS

Blacks should learn their true history before anything else. There was a complete shock I went through when I realize the story of the bible was false, in kemet(egypt) there was no exodus only an expulsion of the hyksos which tie into the hebrews or jews today. There lies the truth that the jews today are hiding his true history. Blacks should learn their story and knowthyself and they will find the truth.

Asians and Europeans spent centuries expelled from the Kemetic Kingdom. After expulsion from Kemit one particular faction of semitic Aryan-europeans who after expulsion from Kemet relocated in and around the sinai peninsula(Palestine). This group stands out because it was they who initiated the next war campaign against Kemet. They understood the military power, and even more intriguing, the unique richness of Kemet. Their schematic plan was first to recruit other foreigners to assist them in the militant overthrow of Kemet. Their war-mission was subsequently welcomed by the arabs, Asians, Europeans, and practically all other non- Africans. That unification formed the populist coalition supposedly needed to defeat the Kemetic kingdom. Their strategy was to move by chariot-horse quietly in the south (upper) and then strike the north ((a for 233 years (1783-1550bce). However, while in control it should be noted that they contributed of formulated NOTHING in regards to Kemetic creative advancement.

As a matter of fact, there are no historic symbolisms, icons, or written documentation by them that would even let you know they were there. In 1550 (18th dynasty) Kemetic forces, under the direction of Ahmose I (Nebpehti-Ra), and his youthful son, Amonhotep I (Tcheser-Ka-Ra), defeated the hyksos and once again expelled them from Kemetic soil. What happened next with the expelled hyksos is the actual beginning of Judaism. That beginning starts with one particular group of the hyksos coalition.

That group is none other than the hyksos organizers, the semitic-aryan indo-europeans. After expulsion, and having absolutely zero optimism in returning to Kemit to do battle with the powerful 18th dynasty, they congregated in the Sinai mountains and formed what turned out to be an extremely diabolical systematic plot. That plot entailed criminal plagiarism for the purpose of fraudulently selling themselves to other Asians and Europeans as spiritually superior to the powerful MAAT promoting Africans. Their initial scheme was to plagiarize all, or as much as possible, “STOLEN” Kemetic symbolism’s that spelled out the Africans BA-spiritual and MAAT-humanistic connection with NETER (GOD) that information was provided in a variety of ways. Documentation, in the form of papyri-interpretations of conceptual scenarios, painted expressions of daily life, recorded war-events, MAAT-RA ceremonies, etc., were just some of the transmitted forms of material expressing the Kemetic African’s comprehension of GOD as well as the purpose and MAAT-policy for social development. Again, the “FALSE” claim to kemetic knowledge was the ultimate goal.

Re-documentation was fairly easy to formulate for the semitic Aryan-hyksos because during their 233 years of occupancy they had collected a large quantity of Kemetic ideology which was written on temple walls, tombs, the sarcophagus of the deceased, amulets, etc. once collected and reformatted(NAMES AND PLACES changed), the semitic Aryan-hyksos’s plan was to promote to their surrounding European-asian neighbors and all other non- Africans outside of Kemet the fraud that it was actually their creative mind that formulated the powerful Kemetic thought.

This so-called story supposedly starts with Abraham, who led the semitic Aryan-hyksos(historically RE- classified as the ‘children of israel’) from northern Mesopotamia(iraq) because of famine. At this point there’s an unaccountable time gap, and then as the story goes this group “settles” in “Egypt(KEMET)” as 70 shepherds divided into 12 tribes. First of all, there is no such thing as “SETTLED”. In the real sense of the word, settle means invade-kill-steal. Never in the human “times” of this world has a NON- African (foreign) group left their territorial habitation and went to foreign lands (AFRICA) with the intent of subscribing to that indigenous lands ideology and method of social and spiritual structure. Instead, they either come to implement their own foreign ideologies to the people of that land, or as was the case of Abraham, the people was mentally deficient and incapable of consciously digesting the intricate system of MAAT. THE REASON IS TO JUSTIFY THEIR MALICIOUS INTENT WHICH IS STEALING THE RICH LAND, THE MINERALS THAT COME WITH THE LAND, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WHO INHABIT THE LAND.

The bottom line is: settlers have always been ‘greedy and murderous’ foreign invaders.
Britain, supposedly, “settled” southern Africa and murdered millions in the process. England, spain, and Portugal, supposedly settled the “americas”, murdering 300 million Indians and genociding many tribal-sects in the process. Europe “settled” the entire continent of Africa, murdering millions of Africans and genociding many Africans groups in the process. All the time stealing the indigenous land, the spiritual and scientific knowledge that came with that land, then acting to revise it, throw it on a European format, and proclaim it as their creation. You do not go to somebody’s clean house with the intention to steal and kill the inhabitants land and property and receive a warm welcome. Now, as the “story” goes the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites or children of Israel), claimed to be wandering migrants who under the leadership of Abraham moved to caanan (present day Palestine-israel) somewhere around 1800bce. The story twist at that point and the focus turns to abraham’s second son Isaac who for some strange reason decides to change his name to jacob. Then, as the “story” goes, jacob’s son joseph is sold by his brothers into slavery in Kemet. There he ultimately becomes a vice-regent and sends for all seventy of his immediate relatives to live in Kemet in high governmental positions.

The fact of the matter is that entire episode is a bare-faced lie, constructed by the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) for the purposed of recruiting sympathetic support from white barbarians and other sea-peoples (Hittites, greeks, Assyrians, philistines, etc.), who now separated themselves from the hyksos movement and was in the process of structuring their own new agenda toward advancing militarily inside Kemet. Now to find out what is fact and what is fraud, all we have to do is match the verbal accusations and proclamations.

The key is simple, if and when truth can be proven; it remains truth. If and when the construct of a lie cannot be justified, it remains a lie. The time period in which the accusations cover must be traced. The mind-set of the African-accused, and the political, spiritual, and social structure of the African-accused must be traced for validity. Also, events, accomplishments, and circumstances involving the African-group (Kemetians/Egyptians) whose character is held in defamation by this “historical” jew-tale must be traced. Once traced for validity, the weight of the truth-scale can only tip in favor of African truth, OR semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites)FRAUD!


Monday, June 10, 2013


The conquering nations throughout history have always rewritten or destroyed the history of the conquered nations.  Racism and the brutal and devastating effects of slavery only intensified the need to change African history.  It was argued that Africans were pagans, savages, and heathens in need of salvation and that the best thing the slave traders did for Black people was to have dragged our ancestors to the Americas in chains, because we lacked the intellectual capacity to succeed.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  While the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, great empires were thriving in Western Africa and frequently traded with the Moors.  These included the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, which prospered between 700 AD and 1600 AD.

The founders of Ghana were known as the Soninkes, and they are experts in making tools and weapons with iron.  In fact, their iron weapons helped them to conquer the neighboring tribes and to form their empire.  They are also said to have had an inexhaustible supply of gold.  It was so plentiful that the emperor passed a law, which said that all gold in nugget form belonged to him and that the people could only use gold dust.  It was said that without this precaution, gold would have become so plentiful that it would have lost its value.  One gold nugget was so large that it was used as a hitching post for the ruler's favorite horse.  Ghana was also famous as a trading center where locally produced metal tools, jewelry, leather, and cotton clothes were traded for imports from Moorish Spain and Morocco.

The Mali Empire began in 1230 AD with King Sundiata. He gained control of all the trade that had been monopolized by Ghana.  In 1342, Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca, which made the Mali Empire world famous.   He took a caravan of 60,000 people to Mecca and gave away so much gold as presents that the gold market in the world was devalued for 12 years.  When he was asked in Cairo how he became emperor, he said that his brother, Emperor Abubakari II took 2,000 ships in 1311 AD, sailed west, and never returned.  Ivan Van Sertima in his book They Came Before Columbus, acknowledges Abubakari II as one of the discovers of America who preceded Columbus.  The Mali Empire had a standing army of 100,000 men and is said to have included an area the size of Western Europe.

The Songhay Empire rose to supremacy approximately 1457 AD and eventually became as large as the United States of America.  The Songhay Empire was also a prosperous trading center but became world famous as a center of advanced culture and higher education.  Famous universities were established in the cities of Gao, Jenne, and Timbuktu, which employed thousands of teachers who offered courses that included astronomy, mathematics, medicine, hygiene, music, and many others.  Jenne also had a medical school that was especially famous for training surgeons in difficult operations such as cataract surgery.  Professor Ahmed Baba, who was chancellor of the University of Sankore in Timbuktu, was the author of more than 40 books and had a personal library of 1,600 volumes; which he said was small, compared to the library of his colleagues.  During the slave trade, many of the slaves from the former Songhay Empire were highly educated and were credited with teaching Caribbean and American farmers successful agricultural techniques.  They also invented various tools and equipment to lessen the burden of their daily work.

The Songhay Empire prospered until 1591 when it was finally conquered by Moorish invaders from North Africa.

During the European Dark Ages, between the 7th and 14th century AD, the Moorish Empire in Spain became one of the world's finest civilizations.  General Tarik and his Black Moorish army from Morocco, conquered Spain after a week long battle with King Roderick in 711 AD.  (The word tariff and the Rock of Gibraltar were named after him).  They found that Europe, with the assistance of the Catholic Church, had returned almost to complete barbarism.  The population was 90% illiterate and had lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Moors reintroduced mathematics, medicine, agriculture, and the physical sciences.  The clumsy Roman numerals were replaced by Arabic figures including the zero and the decimal point.  As Dr. Van Sertima says, "You can't do higher mathematics with Roman numerals."  The Moors introduced agriculture to Europe including cotton, rice, sugar cane, dates, ginger, lemons, and strawberries.  They also taught them how to store grain for up to 100 years and built underground grain silos.  They established a world famous silk industry in Spain.  The Moorish achievement in hydraulic engineering was outstanding.  They constructed an aqueduct, that conveyed water from the mountains to the city through lead pipes from the mountains to the city.  They taught them how to mine for minerals on a large scale, including copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, and aluminum.  Spain soon became the world center for high quality sword blades and shields.  Spain was eventually manufacturing up to 12,000 blades and shields per year.  Spanish craft and woolen became world famous.  The Moorish craftsman also produced world class glass, pottery, vases, mosaics, and jewelry.

The Moors introduced to Europe paved, lighted streets with raised sidewalks for pedestrians, flanked by uninterrupted rows of buildings.  Paved and lighted streets did not appear in London or Paris for hundreds of years.  They constructed thousands of public markets and mills in each city.  Cordova alone had 5,000 of each.  They also introduced to Spain underwear and bathing with soap.  Their public baths numbered in the thousands when bathing in the rest of Europe was frowned upon as a diabolical custom to be avoided by all good Christians.  Poor hygiene contributed to the plagues in the rest of Europe.  Moorish monarchs dwelled in sumptuous palaces while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in barns, lacking windows, toilets, and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof as the exit for smoke.  Human waste material was thrown in the streets since no bathrooms were present.

Education was made mandatory by the Moors, while 90% of Europe was illiterate, including the kings and queens.  The Moors introduced public libraries to Europe with 600,000 books housed in Cordova alone.  They established 17 outstanding universities in Spain.  Since Africa is a matriarchal society, women were also encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and it was only in Spain that one could find female doctors, lawyers, and scientists.

Moorish schoolteachers knew that the world was round and taught geography from a globe.  They produced expert maps with all sea and land routes accurately located with respect to latitude and longitude; while also introducing compasses to Europe.  They were such expert shipbuilders that they were able to use their geography expertise to import and export as far away as India and China.  It was not by accident that a Moor named Pietro Olonzo Nino was the chief navigator for Christopher Columbus on the flagship Santa Maria.  He is said to have argued with Columbus as to who really discovered America.  One of the worst mistakes the Moors made was to introduce gunpowder technology from China into Europe, because their enemies adopted this weapon and used it to drive them out of Spain.  Europe then took the 700 years of civilization and education re-taught to them by the Moors and used this knowledge to attack Africa.

While the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, great empires were thriving in Western Africa and frequently traded with the Moors.  These included the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, which prospered between 700 AD and 1600 AD.  Africa was not a dark continent awaiting European civilization.  In fact, Black African Egyptians and Black African Moors are credited with civilizing Europe.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What White People Don't Want You To Understand by Amon Hotep

History is a lie and must be placed back into its proper perspective.  The veil of White supremacy has thrown us off track about world history truths and who we are as Black people in relationship to everyone else on the planet.  Whites have many believing they are not only the progenitors of civilization but also the progenitors of humanity.  Our ancient heroes and saviors have been whitewashed.  The world believes that everyone on Earth who's not White is primitive and uncivilized.  First, we must understand what White skin really means and who White people really are.  In a nutshell Whites are scientifically genetically modified HYBRID HUMAN BEINGS. White gene DNA cannot be traced back as far as their genetic parents, BLACK AFRICANS!  The result is sufficient evidence for their not being the progenitors of humanity or civilization.
Everything we have been led to believe is a myth.  It has become so dogmatic that many people subconsciously try to refute this instinctively because it does not coincide with the indoctrination that permeates thought processes so deeply.  Since Caucasians cannot reproduce genetic material (melanin), they could not have spawned humanity.  Because the sun sterilizes and is sending Whites on a course toward extinction, they will not survive independently for very long without people of color depositing their genetic material to make their cell replication and reproduction more feasible.
White people like to think that they have invented everything that we take for granted in this epoch.  The truth of the matter is, Caucasians have only REDISCOVERED the many inventions of OUR BLACK ancestors did deep in antiquity.  It is quickly becoming common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were Black Africans.  Menes who is credited with being the founder of Pharonic Egypt and for unifying both lower (northern) and upper (southern) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings that are not taken into account in ancient history.  If you will recall Egypt did not have a linear progressive history where they started off primitive and progressed to their advanced state.  They started off ADVANCED.  Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even older and fabulous super civilization.  There are many ruins and pieces of evidence from Atlantis.  Not only Plato’s account but the megalithic ruins that the United States government is fully aware of off the coast of Bimini.  These have to be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization.  Although the library at Alexandria was destroyed by fire as well as knowledge centers in other locations, the ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana empire still exists and gives credence to the fact that viminas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of anyone’s imagination.  The inhabitants of the ancient Rama Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or “untouchables” (Dalits) of India today.  Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives marvelous accounts of fantastic wars fought here on this planet as well in outer space by these ancient flying machines that utilized mercury vortex propulsion.  It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of the UFO sightings of today are actually the ancient viminas of great antiquity being concealed by the United States and other world governments or reconstructions of those ancient aircraft.  As I said earlier, these are inventions that White people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot take proper credit.
A major lie that the United States wants to keep alive for ego purposes is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies.  This is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world.  Man (White) has NEVER walked on the moon or has he even come close.  There are many ways to prove to you that the moon landings were fraudulent.  One of my favorite ways of discerning this is the picture of the footprints left in the lunar soil.  If you stop and think about it, how can this be?  For there to be footprints in the soil there must be moisture as a bonding agent and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold moisture, therefore, there could NOT be any REAL footprints on the moon.  Many people lack the scientific background to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is spoon-fed them by NASA and the United States Government.  Many people are coming to the realization that the whole thing was a fraud, but it is important for White people’s egos that EVERYBODY believes this passionately and defend this crap as a means of  “national pride”.  That’s not to say that there are not structures up there.  Various reliable sources tell of obelisk shaped structures on the moon along with something that resembles an ancient aircraft runway.  Someone has been there, but it wasn’t any White men of today.  I don’t think they were little green men from Mars either.  The structures that are up there resemble ancient Egyptian artifacts and being that, that was a Black civilization as well as Atlantis, it would make perfect sense that it was BLACK AFRICANS during the golden age that accomplished this feat.  What is the golden age, you ask?

When man has reached his Zenith!  The ancient Egyptians have hieroglyphic text that speak of something called the “golden time” back in the days of Atlantis before it’s destruction.  The Bible says that there have been many destructions of mankind, and therefore had to be many golden ages.  Every time a major catastrophe occurs, we are knocked back into the stone ages to start over.  We are still starting over from the destruction of Atlantis and have not yet regained that Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians enjoyed long ago.  We still have to track toward the next golden age.  One thing we can feel rest assured about though, by the time we get there, white people with their recessive genes won’t be there.  Just like they did not exist in the context that we understand them today, in the last golden age.

             It has been said that there are megalithic ruins and remains on the surface of Mars.  The Zulus of South Africa as well as many other African tribes have legends that speak of their origins being from Mars.  Could it be that it was OUR Black African ancestors who were responsible for that civilization that once thrived on the now debunked red planet?  Evidence points in that direction.  It has been discussed within various circles of Astrophysicists that Mars was once a moon of another planet now destroyed.  The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is widely believed to be the remains of Mars’ parent planet.  Referred to as Planet X.  Tom Van Flandern has a very convincing “exploded planet hypothesis” that cannot be easily refuted by many scientists of today. If this and many of the other points I have brought forward in this essay are disseminated widely, that could force history as we know it to be rewritten.

There is information out there that could put world history into its proper perspective.  However, the release of this information would be dangerous for White people.  People have thrived on ignorance and fallacy and strive to keep the world in a deep sleep.  Many are waking up from that deep sleep to understand what the United States Government and the Smithsonian Institute--the catalysts in maintaining widespread ignorance are trying to perpetuate.  We must take it upon ourselves to learn what White people don’t want us to understand!