Thursday, February 6, 2014

Niggas, House niggas,Black freemasons and black double agents

House nigga's ,black freemason's and black double agent's are useful idiot's. Just like one of their Massa's quoted in the past.Albert Pike(the past KKK leader and 33 degree mason)he made a prediction about these idiots and boy are these idiot's useful. You would think that much has change in 2014 but things still remain the same in the black community. These motherphuckers would sell their own momma to get a pat on the back and cracka dollars from their Massa. These nigga's and yes I said nigga's aren't deserving of being called black. They will come around and pretend to be black just so they can go back and give info to their master. One thing is no one from another race will betray their own people than a low down dirty ass nigga. They will give their arm and leg to do something bad to a black person and the black community. I have ran into a few of these clown's, past ex and so called friends and they all seem to share the same agenda. Pretend to be about the black community, mass their true agenda and report back to Massa immediately. They spy like the Nsa and truthfully there is pornographic material, pedophiles and racists online but these government clowns are especially harassing blacks. Black's that are talking about the American injustice system and black's that are trying to tell there own people about their real history. And yes Obama(even though he calls himself a mutt) is a black Freemason and Head Nigga in charge. He was placed in office(yes your votes don't matter)to destroy and drone Africa into submission and do absolutely nothing for the black community. Black's your 90 something percent vote don't matter to him. This clown has been calling for immigration reform and the right's of gay's all the while he has over looked the high unemployment rate in the black community but like he said he is not the president of Black America. He recently put a Mexican woman in charge of the SBA. You would think he would place a black female or male that would get more funds for black businesses and create more black businesses and help bring down that high black unemployment rate in the black community. But once again the Head Nigga in charge, Nwo puppet sleaze bag is on his puppet master's agenda with Obama care and Gun control.