Saturday, May 10, 2014

Da Same Ol Devil

Due to my recent experience going back into their workforce filled with Sheep, Niggers and Crackas. But the thing that amazes me the most is these (Django) house niggers that come to destroy there own people, so their Cracka Master can give them a pat on the back. These are some of the biggest fools around they think that by going against their own people the cracka won't go against them. These clowns don't know they are useful idiots as Albert pike said and have no real place in theier Master's kingdom but as a pet that is given a treat to do something in exchange like rolling over. They would do all kinds of harm and other evil deeds to other blacks for money and power. I have witness this and can tell you from first hand experience that they are cowards and are coons that would do anything for money. You get a big fuck you from me as these useful Idiots are surrounded by me daily. Yes that cracka always got his niggers up in some place to do evil. Whether it's at work,at home with your family these demons never run out of niggers to play. I have come to the conclusion that the same old system will continue to be in place.There seems to be no end to the structure of White Supremacy. Everywhere I look blacks have to be employed by the very people's children that were terrorist and took the now called United States of America and enslaved their ancestors, we continue to be in another form of slavery today called mental slavery. Out of all the millionaires and blacks that have attained money you would think they would come together to produce some kind of economic relief for the black community. It's not hard to open up businesses when you are a millionaire making millions of dollars. But the Donald Sterling event sheds a light on millionaire athletes who do nothing but spend and return that money back into the hands of the man that gave them their million dollar paycheck and instead of building something for himself. The White Supremacy system is set up to have Caucasians on top and People of color on the bottom of every single aspect of life.We have to go to them for employment,education and every other basic need. If that isn't being under someone's control what the hell is. The recent events in Chicago are nothing more than effects of poverty and economic stress. I've said in recent blog post's that the unemployment for the African American community is about 13%. Which shows the economic gap in America continue to be blacks downfall. That is a high rate and why the Head Nigger in charge has not done something is evident where his"I'm not the president of Black America" speech came from. You should be president of all including Black America. This is the state of things and I really don't see anything changing anytime soon. If things continue we will still have this economic gap and poverty and high crime rates at high levels. Entering back into the workforce has showed me how blacks continue to be at the bottom of the totem pole.It also showed me how wanna be thug Niggers and drug dealers will do nothing in the black community then go to work and learn their jobs to a tee busting their ass for White Supremacy to keep their jobs then go home and help promote negative stereotypes in the black community. We mostly work minimum wage or underpaid jobs living paycheck to paycheck and continue to be working like the Chinese and the slave labor shops in China. They produce most of the items you find in Wal-Mart and they are produced for pennies and sold for much higher prices. This all goes back to the Elite in control and White Supremacy. No matter what you do your always going to be in this current White Supremacy System. Yes I mention it, some seem to take issue with what I say or write but just like these house niggas who do and say anything to please the Cracka for their Cracka dollars I do not care. Truth is truth whether it comes from me or to me and blacks have to understand this to get past the smokescreen in front of them. There seems to be no progress in making them understand this but they want to get all upset about a Donald Sterling, there are millions of Donald's everywhere in society talking crazy about minorities.Until we do for self we will always be in White Supremacy. Phuck you cowardly ass house niggas go and be your masters pet I may go through pain because of the beast but I will never be a coward as much as you. This is the same thing these crackas have been doing forever using these house niggas to destroy other blacks. I'm still here bitches and that goes for you clowns that try to come against me everywhere I go.