Saturday, November 29, 2014

Blak Mamma

The Great Blak Mamma of Creation: By Dr Suzar go look it up and by the book. Thank you to Dr Suzar for this wonderful piece and honoring the true source of power: The Great Blak Creatress As I get up each day I now know that it
is because of Her that I Live. Excerpts from SuZar's The Great BLAK MAMMA of Creation Special Release from upcoming Volume 2 of Blacked Out Through Whitewash: " ReThroning Creation's Great Blak Mamma & the Blak Woman" Blak Mamma Thank you to Dr Suzar for this wonderful piece and honoring the true source of power: The Creatress Pages 6
. Let's start in the Yoni Blak Dot ANKH...where all life begins, for we still are in the Yoni ­the Great Turning Circle ­Yoni-verse of The Great Mamma of Creation. From Her Great Womb of Life did flow the primordial Waters of Creation ­the Sound ­ the Word that was In The Beginning. The Essence of which was, still is, and ever will be, LOVE. Yoni = Uni, Oni, One. And One begins with the Circle which is the Hole, the Yoni, the same Yoni-Circle found in the Arch-symbol of Life called the Ankh. And Yoni begins with the Y of Her Thighs. For it is the Doorway, the Y-shaped DELTA entrance, outrance of the Womb of Life, from where the souls of all beings emerge. Delta itself also means womb. And in Her Creation, absolutely Everythang is moving in Circles, Spirals. Even as you read through the circle of the pupils of your circular eyes, you are moving in multiple circles: the circle from the spinning of Earth, the circle from Earth revolving around the sun, and the circle of the whole solar system revolving in a spiraling = circling galaxy, itself moving in an even vaster Circle. The Cosmic Circle of The One. Your Mother. Our Mother. Creation's Mother. Mother Of The Universe. The Great MAMMA of All Living. You've seen Her if you've stared in wonder at the Starry Night...of Nuit. You've (almost) felt Her as the Earth beneath the concrete beneath your shoe-clad feet. You've reveled in Her Essence as the Water flooding your body in the shower or a pool. You've felt Her caress as the wind across your cheeks, or your mother's comforting touch, lover's comforting touch. She is your Mother and the Mother of your mother. You've witnessed Her in ways not suspected. Raped Her in pillaging the Earth in conquest of Her riches. Felt Her in ways you thought belonged to another, and it did. Eaten Her Body as your food ­bastardized or not­ as the fruit of the Earth; as the blood of your mother Mother while yet in her womb, Her Womb. Sacred Blood; the Sa, Sea. Original Holy Spirit. Red Likwid of Life called Blood. White Likwid of Life called Milk. Mil-Lak. Mel-Lact. Mel sweet as MELons. Lact, Lic, Liquid. All forms of Her sweet Water. The Liquid Likht, Light of Love. You've tasted Her Sweetness in Fruit; the ripened ovary of plants. You've tasted Her Sweetness in the kiss of your beloved, Beloved. You've experienced Her wrath in the rathing writhing of Her quake, Earthquake, Heart Quakes. Undulating gyrating swerving curving flowing. Sweetest Nectar. Queen of Queens, Mammas of Mammas. Mother of Mothers. Passion of Passions. Lady of Ladies. The Great Lady. Unfathomed. Most familiar Mystery, Mist-Teri. Veils never parted. Miss-Terra the Earth. Womb of Source. Source of Life. The Ut-Opia. Uttermost Op. Op the OPen Hole. Hole of Holes. Holy of Holies. Ethi-Opia. Yoni of Yonis: Kuan Yin, Queen Yin, Queen Yoni! Womb of Source. Origin, Ori-Gene, Oral-Gene. Mouth-Hole of the Be-GENE-ing, BeGINning of Life. GENesis. Gen-Isis. Isis, Goddess As-t. The Source. MAMMA! Page 7 Great Mamma NUT, underside of Tuthmosis III sarcophagus lid. Unfathomed. Most familiar Mystery, Mist-Teri. Veils never parted. Miss-Terra the Earth. Womb of Source. Source of Life. The Ut-Opia. Uttermost Op. Op the OPen Hole. Hole of Holes. Holy of Holies. Ethi-Opia. Yoni of Yonis: Kuan Yin, Queen Yin, Queen Yoni! Womb of Source. Origin, Ori-Gene, Oral-Gene. Mouth-Hole of the Be-GENE-ing, BeGINning of Life. GENesis. Gen-Isis. Isis, Goddess As-t. The Source. MAMMA! Goddess NUT As The Sky The Great Mamma of the Universe is portrayed as the Heavens arching overhead in the form of the body of Goddess Nut. From the papyrus of Nisti-ta-Nebet-Taui. Page 8 And MAMMA God is BLAK. "The Original Great Blak." The Deep. She is Blak, not because of the "dark phase of the moon." Not because of the "fertility principle of the Earth." Not because of the "darkness of Night." Mamma God is Blak because She IS Blak, being the Source and Core of the Cosmos. Blak is the Color of the Source. Echoed as the Blak Melanated Center of the cells of living things, and the Blak Pupil of all Eyes, I's. Only Blak contains all colors. Only a Blak Mamma can give birth to beings and Hue-mans of all hues. Mamma God is Blak for the same reason Afrakans, the Parents of Hue-Manity, HuHuManity are Blak. (HuHu, ancient name of Creation's Blak Source). For MELANIN, like Nappy Hair, expresses / out-presses profound principles of Her Creation, the Yoniverse. Thus, Blak Melanin is found as the vital element in the human nervous system and brain, the sheath of the ovum and sperm, in the soil, plants, animals, barks of trees, seeds of plants, everywhere, throughout the entire Cosmos. Only BLAK -with its full rich self- contains All and can birth all things -the rich fullness of the Universe. Truly, there is NO LACK in "BLAK." The Great Mamma is "The Great Blak." The original Great Blak that gave birth to "The Light," the Loving Light of Life. Personified as the Great Pyramid with its jet Blak Capstone and polished white limestone casing ­which gloriously reflected the Light of Her Son the Sun. The Great Pyramid ­a monument whose many original Afrakan names included "KUTI" ­the true source of the very word "GOD" itself! That Blak Stone enshrined in the Kaaba at Mecca was originally a symbol of The Great Blak Goddess. Called Kore in pre-Islamic Arabia; their version of the jet Blak Virgin Goddess KAR, HeartSoul of Blak Mother Earth. The patriarchal Islamic men might have a fit if they found out the truth. Or maybe they know it but are in denial. The Great Blak is Dalmanutha. A word so powerful, it is mentioned one time only in the Bible (Mark 8:10) (see pages 301 in volume 1 of BOTW). Dalmanutha, the Blak Abyss of Creation. Blak Hole. Blak Source. Womb of the Abyss. "HuHu." Abyss of All Beginning. The Primordial Abyss that gave birth to the Cosmos. "The Place of the Waters." The Utter Blakness before there was Light. "The Deep" in Genesis 1:2. "[A] secret Deep that nobody can fathom, which sends out light in the dark." [AE 278] The words DEEP and DEPTH are apparently from Egyptian TEP /TEPT. "Egyptian tepht, the abyss, the source, the well, the hole from whence the water issues... Tepht or Tept is also an Egyptian name for the old first Great Mother as a figure of source." [AE 277] .Volume 2 of Blacked Out Through Whitewash : ReThroning Creation's Great BLAK MAMMA & the Blak Woman The Mother of HuHuManity and Original Most Powerful Being On Earth . Creation's Great Blak MammaVolume 2 of the seven volumes of this book resurrects awareness of The Great BLAK MAMMA of Creation and restores the Blak Feminine part of the equation which has been blacked out the most, even more than Blak history. You thought the Blak Male was the endangered species. No, it's the Blak Woman and her precious Womb. The overt attack on the Blak Man is really a covert attack on the Blak Woman. The ongoing Great War on The Great Mother and the Female Principle is why Women of all races on all continents are being oppressed, repressed, suppressed, aggressed, depressed, demeaned, raped, subjugated and even killed (often before birth)... all sanctioned­ promoted ­facillitated by anti-female Patriarchal Counterfeit Religions, the greatest "mother fucking" Weapon against all Women and in reality, all HuHuManity. The Blak Woman ­­Mother of HuHuManity­­ is the Original Most Powerful Being on Earth. Her Powers have been largely co-opted to serve "Beast-THE" ( or as I say The Hybrid Beast) unsuspected unrecognized ways. (See item #13 in "You Come-To-Power....." for one major example). She is outta her Mind, for she is in a Spell. Actually, the whole planet is in The Great GoSpell, the Great Grip of "The Global PISO Spell Machine." If this Spell is not broken soon, we (HuHuManity, Earth) will arrive where we are being furiously herded to : Extinction, Obliteration. The Blak Woman ­the Mother of HuHuManity­ unknowingly holds the key to HuHuManity's salvation. ReThroning Creation's Great Blak Mamma and Mother of HuHuManity ­the Blak Woman­­ is the key to the Survival of HuHuManity (all People, all Life on Earth) and Planet Earth. From page 58 of The Great Blak Mamma of Creation: Patriarchy's suppression and devilization of Creation's Great Blak Mamma is a major part of the Great War on The Great Mamma, hence on all women and things Feminine, hence a war on HuHuManity, Earth and all life. No wonder this precious planet Earth and all its inhabitants are on an accelerating course to extinction. If we wanna survive, heal, live, have a future for our children and their children and their children, it is imperative that HuHuManity RESTORE the Great Mother, Blak Mamma of Creation. Put the Female back into the equation for She is the Source of Life. The Blak Woman, being the Mother of HuHuManity, especially needs to do this! As this occurs then the necessary actions required for HuHuManity's and Earth's survival will take place.