Monday, January 5, 2015

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe, Engineered Winter, The Toxic Deception

There is a Blackout of geoengineered weather,here in the midwest we just experienced an engineered snow storm. The weather was in the steady 30's then all of a sudden the temperature dropped and we have freezing temperatures and ice everywhere. All the public needs to do is look up and see the planes that are spewing these chemtrails in the sky. The planes usually spew out a thick smog behind the wing tail. This is very hard evidence of somekind of spraying going on. Here is an article from Dane Wigington someone who has research this issue and can tell you a little more about it. There is no natural weather at this point, the entire climate system has been completely tainted by the climate engineering insanity. Artificially/chemically nucleated snow storms are a major component of the geoengineering programs. The observations and photographs below are yet more documentation of the all out chemical assault being waged by the weather makers. Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered? There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes. Two known patents for the process of “artificial ice nucliation for weather modification” are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating ”artificial snow storms” but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing. If the Chinese government can routinely create snow storms out of what should have been a rain event, how much more advanced must our government be at this same process? When monitoring radar images of rain during a storm, it is now common to see the rain “flash out” to snow for no appearant reason. No mountains, no colliding air mass, nothing. The “meteorologists” at the Rothschild’s/ military industrial complex owned Weather Channel call this “turning over to snow”. Why would rain just “turn over” to snow for no reason? Engineered Ice Nucleation Cools Air Masses Many of the snow events occurring around the US, even at this time of year, are amazingly still occurring at above freezing temperatures. Some are at temperatures of 10 degrees or more above freezing. How is this possible? Have the laws of physics changed? It is done with various processes of chemical ice nucleation. This is the same as the first aid chemical ice pack. Mix the chemicals and you have ice. Whatever the existing temperatures of a storm and the surrounding air mass at the time the artificial nucleation is commenced, temperatures are lowered significantly further by the nucleation process. If the nucleation process is started at far above freezing temperatures, then the temps can fall to near freezing or below as the process continues. If the region where an “ice nucleated” event is being carried out is already well below freezing, the temperatures will fall to still lower temperatures. If the chemical nucleation process is inflicted aggressively enough, in already cold regions, temperatures can be driven to deadly levels well below zero. Northern Europe is currently in the grip of what appears to be just such a geoengineered event. Why Would They Do This? First, because they can. Why would the global power elite detonate over 1800 nuclear bombs? Because there is no one to stop these experiments. Because there is no regulation whatsoever of the ongoing global geoengineering programs though many “outlines” for such governance exist as if these programs are not yet a reality. There are likely other straight forward reasons. 60 years of global climate experimentation have done horrific damage to the global climate system. The planet is warming, it would appear in large part due to the damage done by the ongoing geoengineering programs. Massive ozone holes and methane releases are occurring. Now it appears that those at the helm of the global spraying programs are trying to “cover up” the damage that has been done from the spraying by spraying yet more, and probably with an ever growing list of toxic elements. Isn’t this the true definition of insanity? Doing the same thing on an ever bigger scale and expecting a different result? Though all available data makes clear that stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) can and does cool large regions temporarily, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming to the planet. NASA’s own data confirms this. What Are The Consequences? The problems that arise when ice nucleation is imposed on the atmosphere are many. Some consequences we can not yet know for sure, but what we do know is bad enough. First, the entire hydrological cycle is disrupted, and in general, greatly reduced This means less precipitation in any form, rain or snow.(Less precipitation is the general rule but when heavy rain systems are nucleated, significant “heavy wet snow” can still occur) Though the Weather Channel is doing their absolute best to ra ra all the snow falling in various locations, the fact is there is a “snow drought” in the US. The ice nucleated snow storms create the illusion of a normal winter when in fact all available statistics paint a very different picture. As we get through “winter” and closer to spring, ice nucleated events will become much more obvious. “Above freezing” snow events will become more and more common. Still, it is important to remember that geoengineered snow storms can also be carried out under extreme cold scenarios. Whatever the initial air mass temperatures, the chemical nucleation mix appears to lower the surrounding temperatures much further. Snow from artificial ice nucleation at higher temperatures is almost always “heavy wet snow”. This is a newly introduced term pushed by the Weather Channel and other main stream media sources. The snow that does fall is toxic. There are numerous lab tests to confirm that the same highly toxic heavy metals named as primary elements in geoengineering patents are being found in this “artificially nucleated” snow. This poisons the air, soils and waters. The effects on the Northern boreal forests are already horrific. Trees are dying in mass and soil PH values are changing radically. The artificially nucleated snow can be incredibly dense and heavy, often causing major damage to trees and structures.Wind patterns and ocean currents are also being negatively effected by the ongoing spraying and manipulation of natural wind currents. (The HAARP ionosphere heater installations around the globe also appear to be routinely manipulating the jet stream) This in turn is releasing methane hydrate deposits which threatens all life on earth. (search “geoengineering/methane release”) Photosynthesis is also being radically reduced. Extremely expansive “geoengineered” cloud cover results from the particulate dispersement. This type of cloud cover is often in the form of a largely featureless overcast sky. What Is Such An Event Like First Hand On 12/21/12 this author had to suffer through yet another ice nucleated snow storm in the woods of Northern California. In the days leading up to the storm, it was comical if not completely tragic watching the local TV “weathermen” trying to explain just how it was going to snow so much when only days earlier Redding California was almost 75 degrees. They tried to explain how the 30 to 40 mile an hour winds from the storm would mysteriously die down only over the upper Sacramento Valley and that’s when the snow would fall, even with temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s. 4-(diminished wind is also a known consequence of atmospheric aerosol saturation/geoengineering spraying under certain conditions, though not all scenarios. ) As is now the rule, the approaching storm brought skies full of jet dispersed geoengineering trails which covered the entire horizon in short order. A sickly colored light penetrated this toxic canopy from the early morning hours of 12/20. Natural clouds eventually drifted into view under the man made over story but they did not have the usual majestic appearance as they were “melted” into engineered clouds above. The leading edge of almost all storms are sprayed heavily. This is the “AR” of the storm. The “atmospheric river” and is a stated area of preferred spraying by the geoengineers themselves. The usual effect of this is a day or so delay of the storm and this case was no different. On 12/20 the local weathermen did there best to explain why the storm did not come in the day before as originally predicted. It “slowed down” they said. As the evening of 12/20 progressed, the 500 ft snow level that was predicted for that afternoon did not happen. It seemed in this case the temps were so warm that the big chemical “cool down” took more effort, more spraying. It seemed the geoengineers might not pull it off as by 11 pm it was still raining at the 2000+ foot level on the mountain top where I and my family live. It was still well above freezing. Waking up at 5 am, I could already see broken trees from the massively heavy concrete snow that had apparently started some hours earlier in the night though the temperatures were still slightly above freezing. I quickly bundled up and went outside to beat the “snow” off the drooping lims of countless trees. This is easier said than done in the case of such “heavy wet snow”. It sticks like glue to everything it hits as it is in the process of melting even as it is still falling. It is not like the snow of my youth, fluffy powdery snow which easily came off the trees. There was, as predicted, no more wind. In the silence of the woods, jet after jet could be heard flying slow and low above the clouds. The snow kept falling. Into the night of 12/21, though soaked to the bone from the soggy snow, I kept up my attempt to save the trees on our mountain. As the night went on, a sound that is very painful to me could be heard in increasing frequency on distant ridges and in deep canyons, somewhere in the darkness, the sound of trees crackling and snapping, being crushed under the weight of the “heavy wet snow”. These are native trees. Trees that have adapted to the historical conditions in this region. I have been through snow events here that dropped twice the depth of snow with no damage, but this snow is different. Even the Canyon Live Oak, the strongest oak in the region, buckles under the weight and adhesion of this snow. It does not sluff off the trees but only sticks and builds. Later in the night, the frequency of collapsing trees somewhere in the distant dark was almost overwhelming. The only other sound that broke the silence constantly was the continual parade of jets overhead in the clouds, so close and low during the storm. By morning, half of the 20 inch depth of cement snow had already melted. The temperatures were still in the upper 30s and the snow had stopped. Countless broken and uprooted trees lay on the forest floor. Why? For the moment, there are virtually no jets to be heard. None. Soon enough, they will no doubt return. What Can We Do We are in a fight for life, literally. Our climate system and atmosphere are being ripped apart. Every breath we take is tainted with the toxic metals and chemicals they are spraying. Every bite of food we eat, the same. There is no “organic” anything at this point as researchers from Europe and other parts of the planet have recently shown. These toxic elements and other influences are being taken into all that lives. Educate yourself on this most dire issue. Arm your self with essential tools for educating others. It is far more productive to hand someone some credible information they can review at their leisure than to corner them with a rant that only puts up their defenses. Examples of information flyers can be found at “”. An extremely important tool to use with a flyer is a copy of George Barnes’s new documentary film “Look Up” which can be found on our site or at “Skyderalertcom“. Once you own a copy, you can duplicate all you want at a very small cost. Stand up, make your voice heard by sharing credible data with all you know. It’s now or never. Dane Wigington Dane Wigington How long can the climate engineers confuse and divide the US population with completely manipulated “winter storms”? The latest is “winter storm Eris” as named by the power structure owned Weather Channel. Also controlling the flow of climate information to the public is the Rothschilds owned Weather Central. Artificially/chemically nucleated snow is a primary method by which the weather makers create short term toxic cool-downs. Why are they doing this? Because it creates the headlines that the power structure and its media machine need to help hide the fact that our planet is warming at a runaway pace. A “white Christmas” here and there does much to confuse the public as to what is actually unfolding on the bigger climate picture. This is one of the major purposes of global geoengineering. Extreme jet stream manipulation is a major component of the engineered cool-down of the US. jet stream Such contorted jet stream patterns like the one shown above were historically unprecedented, now such scenarios are increasingly the norm. How extensive is the global network of ionosphere heaters (which are used to manipulate the jet stream)? The map below gives some idea, though there are many new facilities and mobil facilities (such as SBX radar) that are not shown. Haarp map As the planet continues to rapidly warm overall, the geoengineers are now simply robbing cold air from one region to cool down another. When they create a cool-down in a more populated area, the weather makers get the headlines they are seeking. Again, such headlines perpetuate confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate. This confusion buys time for the power structure to further prepare for the coming collapse. Where is the cold air for “winter storm Eris” coming from? It is pushed down from the North with the jet stream manipulation mentioned, and then combined with moisture which is artificially/chemically ice nucleated. The North then immediately heats up as shown below. temp From record warmth to record cold in only days, such increasing extremes should be very alarming to any that are even partially awake and paying attention. Since we all hate Al Gore (for good reason), the public is very willing to accept any lies that fortify their disdain for him and the rest of the criminals in power. If we can leave Gore and his carbon credit scams behind, and examine verifiable data, reality will be more easily recognized. Who would want the public to believe the planet is not warming, or even cooling? Big oil, the military industrial complex, and the geoengineers, that’s who. How powerful are artificial ice nucleating agents? View the video below for one example of biological nucleating elements. A few drops of these can instantly freeze a container of water (chemical nucleating agents can be even more powerful than biological agents). Winter storm “Eris” was just in time for Christmas. The Weather Channel’s job is to hide the climate engineering crimes and their theatrically named “winter storms” are part of the production. The Weather Channel’s paid actors dramatize the engineered cool-downs and avoid discussion of the fact that 2014 will be the warmest year ever recorded on our planet. There were over 2400 high temperature records set in December alone over the continental US, though mainstream media hardly said a word about this. Earth has now had 358 consecutive months of above average global temperatures (over 38 years in a row), how many have heard this from any mainstream media source? What about the record shattering ocean temperatures? Yet again hardly a word from major sources. But what about the petition of 31,000 scientists that say global warming is a fraud? The truth is, the petition of 31000 scientists denying the planetary meltdown is itself is a fraud. Just because those in power (like Al Gore) are trying to profit from disaster, does not mean the disaster is not real. The power structure does all it can to profit from war and global conflict, does that mean such events are not real? Of course not. We must all base our conclusions on facts, not ideology. The biosphere is warming at an extreme pace. Though temporary surface cool-downs are being created, climate engineering is making a bad climate scenario far worse overall and poisoning the entire planet in the process. Geoengineering is decimating what is left of Earth’s life support systems. All those in the climate science and meteorological communities that are hiding the climate engineering crimes from the public should be considered criminal accomplices to these crimes. The responsibility of sounding the alarm rests with all of us, we must each do our part in the battle to reach critical mass of awareness with the population. DW