Saturday, July 11, 2015

Coon ass niggas in these muthaphucking crackass jobs(HOUSE NIGGAS)

I could not believe the self hate and ignorant shit that's at these Caucasian companies in the workplace.These niggas are so mad that people like me are exposing masonry which ain't nothing but madness controlled by the zionist jews.Zionism is responable for most of the ills in this world and they are using good house niggas that don't have a clue what they are apart of. You would have thought that I would have been attacked verbally by a white person or another person of the Caucasian race. But no, low and behold it was always another nigga or masonic fool cooning in these jobs and going all out to talk about, degrade and even act like they wanna get violent with you. The moment I started employment with these coons they were armed and ready for this kind of foolishness only like a nigga could. Now they had no evidence of their derogatory sayings and they never took the time to speak to me about anything they thought was wrong.  Yet these negro clowns went on a verbal attack almost daily which bobbled my mind and led me to look and see who I was dealing with. A few of them may have been masons and the reason I say this is because one of the workers husband was a mason and I had overheard some of their conversations and it seem to me they knew who I was without knowing me at all. They seem know about my life and my past without even knowing me in general.  They didn't know I knew but I did and again that brotherhood was in that bitch. As I saw a few with those symbols on their cars. I don't wanna speculate but that was apart of the problem as I have written about these  people in the past. Because their anger towards me and out right hatred was uncalled for. Now remember they were black just like me and as I said before the only ones they were hating on had the same color as me. They never attack a person of a different race or Caucasian background. That led me to believe that they were not only afraid of master cracker and losing their jobs but they would never attack another person of the Caucasian race like they did me. Theses trader niggas and bitches is alive and well in the black community. Y'all need to know black people whats going on because these types are the reason you have a continuous cycle of self hate in our communities.And just like the Queen in Chicago said who was trying to get employment and jobs for her community and a lunch program that always seem to fail."The minute black people try to get something positive for themselves and there community,the government white man seems to have an unlimited supply of agents, house niggers, coons and co intelpro destroying their movement." They are literally angry at the black lives matter movement and trying to undermine it by making it seem to be just for militant blacks which is not the case. I don't care for working in this white supremace system. It does nothing for me and I feel empty with a lot of void. In my past posts I have talked about a lot things that I see going on and it is very prevalent that white supremacy rules and is the order of business in business. We black people have to work for the slave masters children. And this is the reason we are not getting ahead, hopefully I will be able to break free from this system and do my own thing and work for myself. This is my ultimate goal and then go from there. But as I go on that journey I have to deal with nonsense from niggas, coons and self hating fools. Much luv to my people who are not sheep and who are black like me and who think like me because you are truly my brothers and sisters.