Monday, November 30, 2015

List of Banks owned by the Jewish Rothschild family( who I believe have used most nations money to make Jews rich around the world)

The reason for the war in Syria has nothing to do with ISIS(which is a play on AUSET which I bet is masonic=judaism in it's orgins)and is being used to hide what the real war is about.Establishing another Rothschild Bank.They will continue to use American and foreign troops to go and fight a Israhell dictated war so the money changers can rule another nation. When it is pointed out that the Jews run the world, some people will scoff, and accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist. They often resort to using the communist term of “Nazi”, proving their lower IQ and in-ability to think for themselves beyond the narrow spectrum of the Jewish owned media. Perhaps the fact that our Zionist governments, in line with their Jewish masters have ensured that our people have been brainwashed since birth via the state education systems that is compulsory explains their narrow mindedness. What should be pointed out to these people is that our politrickians are in the pockets of the bankers, which is proved by the fact that whenever there is a financial crash, our politickians, instead of holding them accountable, bail them out, using OUR hard earned tax money. The bankers wreck our economy by making massive apparent mistakes, making US suffer and then our governments use OUR money to bail the multimillionaire bankers out. Who are these bankers? The Jews own the media, and our governments need the media to lie for them and manipulate the ordinary man. They also need the bankers, because the bankers have the money to arm nations (and they do), to run election campaigns and to buy politickians. They are so powerful that the Zionist bankers decide who is to be elected as president or prime minister. Who is the choice for next prime minister of Britain? David Cameron or “Red Ed” Milliband, Both Zionist JEWS. So who are these bankers? Here is a quote from Meyer Rothschild, of the Jewish banking cartel known as the Rothschilds: “Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild And here is a list of the banks that they own: (Please note, of vital importance in this list are the following, Bank of Afghanistan, Central Bank of Iraq, and most recently added….Central Bank of Libya. The next one will be The Bank of Syria. Is it starting to click yet? ) Image ROTHSCHILD OWNED BANKS: Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Algeria: Bank of Algeria Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia Austria: Austrian National Bank Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus Belgium: National Bank of Belgium Belize: Central Bank of Belize Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana: Bank of Botswana Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil Britain: Bank of England Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia Came Roon: Bank of Central African States Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada ***** Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States Chad: Bank of Central African States Chile: Central Bank of Chile China: The People’s Bank of China ******************************************** Colombia: Bank of the Republic Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros Congo: Bank of Central African States Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Croatia: Croatian National Bank Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus Czech Republic: Czech National Bank Denmark: National Bank of Denmark Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt ********** El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States Estonia: Bank of Estonia Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia European Union: European Central Bank ************* Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji Finland: Bank of Finland France: Bank of France Gabon: Bank of Central African States The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia Georgia: National Bank of Georgia Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank Ghana: Bank of Ghana Greece: Bank of Greece Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Guyana: Bank of Guyana Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti ***** Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland India: Reserve Bank of India Indonesia: Bank Indonesia Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq ***************************** Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Israel: Bank of Israel Italy: Bank of Italy Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica Japan: Bank of Japan Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya Korea: Bank of Korea Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Latvia: Bank of Latvia Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho Libya: Central Bank of Libya *************Most Recently Added********* Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Malta: Central Bank of Malta Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius Mexico: Bank of Mexico Moldova: National Bank of Moldova Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro Morocco: Bank of Morocco Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique Namibia: Bank of Namibia Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal Netherlands: Netherlands Bank Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria Norway: Central Bank of Norway Oman: Central Bank of Oman Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Poland: National Bank of Poland Portugal: Bank of Portugal Qatar: Qatar Central Bank Romania: National Bank of Romania Russia: Central Bank of Russia *********************************************** Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency ************** Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Serbia: National Bank of Serbia Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands South Africa: South African Reserve Bank Spain: Bank of Spain Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Sudan: Bank of Sudan Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank Switzerland: Swiss National Bank ****************** Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania Thailand: Bank of Thailand Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey *********** Uganda: Bank of Uganda Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates ***************** United Kingdom: Bank of England ********************Mother Central Bank********************* United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York ****************************** Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela *************************************** Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen Zambia: Bank of Zambia Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe It can no longer be called a conspiracy theory, when you look at the cold hard facts.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Barack Obama a House Nigger for the JEWS

Prominent Zionist spokesperson, former Congressman, Federal Judge, White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton and early backer of Obama, Abner Mikvner, has called Barack Obama the first Jewish President. Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, one of Obama’s longest supporters has said that, “Obama is embedded in the Jewish world.” Obama's propensity to support Jewish causes and identify with Jews to the point of slavishly boasting about how his administration has done more for Israel than any other administration in history, makes Jews feel that Obama is their boy, he is in their pockets 1000%. Obama's obsession with pleasing Jews and pandering to Israel has led many African American leaders to think that he has become a "house nigger for the Jews". They use that expression about Obama in the same way that Malcolm X used it in regards to the "house niggers" whose interest was more in line with serving the white master than serving their own people. While not using the same expression, the Jews already feel that he is their house nigger. Many African American leaders like Cornell West and others have expressed the same sentiments. Cornell West have went so far as to say the following: “[Obama is a black] mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats... And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it".Clowns ass nigger that was placed in the white house by Jewsish Elites.

Engineered Snowstorms, What Are They Spraying?

Dane Wigington The constant reappearances of the “Polar Vortex” and the unprecedented swings in temperatures that come with this type of climate engineering insanity is finally raising some eyebrows. We have known for a long time that snow storms can and are being engineered. Geoengineered Snow Storms Are Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe The Snowmen, Turning Warmth To Winter, (part 1) The Snowmen, Turning Warmth To Winter (part 2) Many lab tests have been performed on the snow produced in these artificially nucleated storms, and the expected highly toxic heavy metals associated with climate engineering have indeed showed up. Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic Cooldown. Does the artificial nucleation of precipitation contribute to the ever increasing highly destructive ice storms? Yes, there is now almost always a “transition zone” of frozen precipitation in the areas between the flow of moisture and the core of the engineered “winter” storms. These ice storms are highly destructive and are wreaking havoc on the environment and human infrastructure. As the inflows of moisture are fed into an engineered “winter” storm (in the case of the Eastern US this moisture was often straight out of the Gulf of Mexico), the precipitation can hit the ground before the sprayed chemical nucleation materials cause it to “set up” into ice. Paid mainstream media like the Weather Channel will give many other explanations for the radical increase in ice storms, but will the Weather Channel explain why there are artificially nucleating materials in this precipitation? Certainly not. The Weather Channel’s job is to explain away the completely unnatural as totally normal, that’s what they are paid to do. frozen-01 frozen-03 frozen-02 The climate engineers are now routinely creating snow storms and cool downs by artificially nucleating precipitation. What are the various potential methods of “artificial nucleation”? Can and “instant freeze” be created by a chemically induced endothermic reaction? Can bacteria be used for artificial ice nucleation? Are there patents for the creating artificially nucleated snow? Can E coli bacteria act as an ice nucleator? Are there other documents outlining the ice nucleating characteristics of certain types of bacteria? What kind of bacteria might the climate engineers use for artificially nucleating storms? Is any of this bacteria showing up in our skies? It seems Popular Science has document E coli at 33,000 feet, and they are not sure why. So What Is The Bottom Line? What Can We Say For Certain? We can say this, climate engineering is a very real and very lethal reality, and so is artificially nucleated snow. Known nucleating elements have already shown up in numerous lab tests of snow, aluminum, barium, chloride, and copper. Additional tests for bacteria are now pending. It should be absolutely clear to all that those in power do not give a damn about the lethal effects of the weather warfare they are using to directly assault populations around the globe. All need to awaken to the gravity of the issues we face. Of all the challenges, global climate engineering warrants a top priority position. The dire ramifications of these catastrophic programs can not be overstated. The responsibility of sounding the alarm rests on each and every one of us. If we work together, we can bring the crimes of climate engineering to light and to a halt.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Barack Obama is a HOUSE NIGGER"

Barack Obama and the Racial Program for the Twentieth Century There are different claims and/or opinions circulating in cyberspace these days on why Barack Obama should not be the President of the United States [US]. The wide range of claims and /or opinions include the rather controversial one that he is not a native US born citizen, or that he is not qualified to hold the position, and even that he is an “Uncle Tom” puppet among others in between. However, in all the available information on websites, magazines, newspapers and other sources, none [that we know of] have mentioned to enlighten audiences on the historical link between the so-called “civil rights” of the 1960s-1970s, and the “election” of Barack Obama as “president” of the US at critical and decisive times, when the real threat of a fascist state is a reality that too many brainwashed duped zombies still don’t believe or preferably ignore for whatever reasons. The hidden background If you ask the average citizen -in particular the young- what they know about the “civil rights” of the 1960s-1970s, people will tell you that it was a “movement” to “liberate” blacks from oppression by whites and to gain social equality. This is common thinking when considering the length of time passed since the covert concept was first created in the US during the early 1900s, by Zionists posing as humanitarian “saviors” of blacks from slavery, as part of an elite conspiracy linked to establish a one government for the whole world. The concept is deep-rooted in the writings of Israel Zangwill, a Zionist who wrote and published “The Melting Pot.” His writings camouflaged the real conspiracy intend with a purported plan to convert the US, into a country wherein only Jews and blacks were mixed and shared as a vehicle to supposedly end racial prejudice, so rampant and entrenched in society as an important pillar of the capitalist social structure for the tension it creates among people, who are distracted by it from focusing on real important issues. Zangwill’s writings did not include any other non-white ethnic group in the US, not even Native Americans or Mexicans who were also murdered and their land stolen, but it was this plan that laid down the basis for the artificial race relations between blacks and Jews in the US that deliberately excluded others also in oppressive social conditions. The deceptive and well disguised writings of Zangwill were enthusiastically embraced by Israel Cohen, also a Zionist, who almost immediately begun writing his own ideas and eventually published a book entitled “A racial program for the 20th Century” which he described as a “humanitarian follow up” of Zangwill’s writings. In a great coincidental irony, the National Association for the Advancement of Colour People [NAACP] which is a camouflaged hoax “civil rights” organization in the US appeared to carry out the directives laid out in the writings by Israel Cohen. The NAACP was and still is an elite front disguised as a “civil rights” organization originally created by Jacob Schiff, a super Zionist who used a hybrid mulatto whose name was Edward Burghardt Du Bois(AKA MR BOULE), as a figurehead to make believe that he was the actual founder. Moreover, every since its inception in 1909 the NAACP did not have black leaders until the mid 1970s when Benjamin Hooks was allowed to be the first black president, but with strings attached and controlled by Jews behind the scene, and in light of the farcical celebration of “freedom” brought to blacks by the “civil rights” loudly proclaimed in the Zionist-controlled US mass media starting in the summer of 1969. Also, it is opportune to tell you that most -if not all- decisions favorable to the “civil rights” sham, were made by courts and other system institutions or the mass media controlled by the elite, on behalf of whom the “civil rights” farce was created and established in fulfillment of their agenda. The “civil rights” was neither a grass roots initiative nor a “movement” either, but rather a plan elaborated by Zionists outsiders who saw an opportunity to exploit the wretched condition of blacks to advance their own plans. The men who conceived and created the so-called “civil rights” lie on behalf of the elite, were not concerned with the rights or well-being of no one, but knew that the dismal condition of blacks was an opportunity in their vulnerability, to gain a loyal subordinate who would contribute and help with their agenda for world domination, thus the well-known alliance between blacks and Jews in the US. The NAACP has a website located at which you can visit, but do not expect to find this factual historical information therein. They do not want you or anyone else to know these hidden facts. You will, however, find hints pointing out at the use of the elite-created ideology known as communism, which their agents used very effectively to convince blacks that the “solution” to the problems of injustice against them, was to be found in communism which the elite agents urged blacks to embrace. And they did. The blacks eagerly accepted what was offered to them, in line with the conspiratorial theories outlined by the Zionist writings of Israel Cohen in his book entitled “A racial program for the 20th Century.” All contents of Israel Cohen’s book were relevant to all intents and purposes, but some parts of his book were more prominent than others within the context of the true intentions clearly expressed in his writings. The portion of his book appearing below is highly noticeable in that it corresponds with the social reality we have witnessed for four decades, regarding the “integration” process of blacks into the elite-owned capitalist system. Israel Cohen’s writings express his Zionist theory in the following way: “We must realise that our most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the mind and consciousness of the Negro race that for many centuries whites have oppressed them, we can mould them to our program. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be included in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will endeavour to instil in whites a guilty complex for enslaving Negroes. We will raise the Negro to prominence in the world of sports, entertainment and professions; with the high prestige we will create for them, Negroes will be able to intermarry with whites and thus begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” If you are old enough to have witnessed the “integration” process of US blacks into this bankers-owned system by using their controlled mass media -mainly television- and Hollywood movies throughout the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s, you are likely to link the contents of Israel Cohen’s writings with mind conditioning and programming every since and up to present times. If you do you are correct as the written words of Israel Cohen clearly and without possible doubt coincide with the pathetic US social reality of the past forty years. To honor the truth and decency, it must be admitted that mass media brainwashing as a vital element to achieve the “integration” of blacks into this capitalist criminal system, contains Nazi traits in direct line with methods utilized by the government of Adolf Hitler in Germany. The key method consists of repeating the fundamental message ad nauseam even if presented in a variety of formats. The fascist were -and still are- true experts on mass-brainwashing and one effective method is repeating lies over-and-over every day, weeks, months, years and even generations, until the lies take on a life of their own and the dumb-down sheep of zombies believe them unthinkingly as “true.” Joseph Goebbels, who was Minister of Propaganda in the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler, described the method that produced the best results and success: “The rank and file is much more primitive than we imagine. The propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious. The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly, which must be confined itself to a few points and repeat them over-and-over to a mind weary satiation.” When reading Israel Cohen’s writings you can see the link to the above quotation applicable to the US instance on the “integration” process of blacks starting in 1969 to the present by using the controlled mass media. The 1960s was a social residue decade from the 1950s idiosyncrasies and values derived from the “American dream” concept that invoked individual economic prosperity, well being in “freedom” and abundance [though never explained at whose expense] but not necessarily for all, in a society wherein blacks, Native Americans, Mexicans, and others were racially segregated. In comparison with present day’s society, the 1950s and 1960s generations were naive if not goofy, thus easy to manipulate mentally through movies, television and even radio, which was a very important and popular communication medium during the 1950s and beyond. It was within this social context that a sophisticated mass media brainwashing of society begun to reach into the intimacy of the average home via television, with an unprecedented message urging people to become concerned with the “civil rights” of blacks and queers only. Mexicans and other Native Americans were scoff at, racially insulted and denigrated in television and movies, in parallel with the presentation of blacks in highly positive and advantageous ways. This has lasted for forty years every day and can be attributed as the root of racist attitudes towards those non-white ethnic nations. Those and other US racial groups were useless at that time to the Zionist agenda for a “new world order” whereas queers and blacks, were very convenient according to their plans nowadays in advanced stages with the “election” of house Negro Barack Obama as “president” of the US. Sex and “integration” One important element in the “integration” process of blacks into this bankers system was the encouragement of interracial sex between black men and white women. Starting in 1969, through subliminal yet blatant television messages even at “prime time” broadcasting hours, adult women and young girls were “told” to “get it on” [have sex] with blacks and that it would be “racist” if they didn’t. This brainwashing tactic also connected with the writings of Israel Cohen when he wrote in part that […] “Negros will be able to intermarry with whites and thus begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” By “our cause” he meant establishing the “new world order” the elite have been concocting for a long time while millions of dupes were unaware of their conspiracy. Women who understood the cunning being perpetrated against them through mass media brainwashing, resisted and denounce what they thought was an assault on their dignity and the degradation of their person by being used as sexual objects. Interracial sex and marriage was and still is fundamentally important for the elite agenda, to distract people with the “liberation” of blacks who were very pleased with this hoax they took advantage of and used it as an opportunity for the betterment of their race, a fact they will deny and accuse anyone conveniently with the cliché of “racism.” The entire US media and Hollywood is mostly owned and controlled by Zionist Jews with a plan that includes the gradual vanishing of the white race, and blood mixing through interracial sex and marriage with blacks, is a stepping stone towards their ultimate diabolical goal. The ridiculous elitist sham the Zionist sold us as “integration” is their most effective tool to reach their final end. Never expect to watch and hear this information on “prime time” television or in movies. Blood mixing between blacks and whites is wrong, unnatural, disgusting, perverse and contrary to the will of God. It is unnatural because it was artificially imposed through sinister and subtle brainwashing methods derivative from fascism; it is a hoax designed to mongrel people for the sole purpose of controlling all of us for the benefit of a bunch of ideological psychopaths bend on a diabolical plan to impose their tyranny. The so-called “civil rights” sham was conceived, created and instigated on behest of Zionist Jews and interracial sex and marriage was and still is an integral part of their plan to dominate the world. Jews truly hate all peoples and race mixing is one effective way to accomplish their goal. In case you still have doubts on whether these statements are true or not, here is what super Jewish Zionist Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich said in January of 1952: […]” The goal for which we have striven so concertedly is at last within our reach and because of its fulfillment is so apparent it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that our race will take its rightful place in the world with every Jew as a king and every gentile as a slave. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. In the interest of our program and peace we are wiping out interracial relations and creating tensions; we will forbid whites to mate with whites; white women must cohabit only with black men and other dark races and white men with black women, thus the white race will disappear for this mixing truly means the end of the white man who is our most dangerous enemy who will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world made up of dark-skin peoples.” There are those who deny the truth of the above quotation but all you need to do is to look at the reality of present day society to understand that these are not empty words. Jews like Emmanuel Rabinovich, Israel Cohen and others, are responsible for today’s tragic reality in most parts the world. Martin Lucifer King Just like at the beginning of this writing, if you ask the average citizen -in particular the young- what they know about “Martin Luther King” people will tell you that he was the greatest “civil rights leader” who fought and die for the “freedom” of blacks from oppression by whites. This can be expected when considering the amount of undeserved honours and an icon status of almost a saint he was given even above Jesus Christ by Zionists who created the “civil rights” farce to which he was subordinated. Beginning with his false name [his real name was Michael King] he was a fraud in most -if not all- that you have been told about him in the Zionist-controlled mass media for more than forty years. The false propaganda included making believe that he was a “Doctor” when there are witness and evidence to show that he obtained the undeserved title by means of plagiarism, thanks to the mediation and shrewdness of Jews in the political left linked to the Zionist cause who provided him with material he used to write a thesis by copying. After King’s death all documentation and visible evidence connected with the case was suppressed by a Federal court judgment that prohibited to divulge anything related to the case until the year 2050. In the documentation there are photographs of King engaged in compromising depraved sexual acts with two prostitutes he had hired. According to the information, while he received a fellatio by one of the women he performed cunnilingus on the other one, while loudly shouting his degenerate sexual experience that was recorded by hidden microphones. King was also arrested for common crimes before he was made famous but the information and evidence is concealed by a judicial order. With regards to his death, King was assassinated for his statements during public speeches on the racist war against the Vietnamese people, by the same devils who killed John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X and others. King was falsely elevated to absurd levels for his service to the Zionist quest for world domination, and not because he fought for the equality of blacks. The false propaganda on him that Zionists sold the world for more that forty years was designed to cover up his service to their cause, which is treason to the whole of society and the world for subordinating himself to the Zionist agenda to enslave the world.

Mask of Zion

I can post all day about these Zionist even on a Zionist controlled blog being watched by the devilment and nothing. Because they know most Americans are sheep and they control their money so they don't give a damn.The Zionist Infestation Of Africa: Zimbabwe To Uganda, Congo To Somalia And Beyond Africa has been infiltrated and infested by international Zionism; its resources are being bled dry by a guild of Jewish criminals. (graphic by Skulz Fontaine) by Jonathan Azaziah It isn’t matter of debate, on any level, that historically, Africa has been the most tormented and tortured of the planet’s continents and regions. Ravaged by centuries of colonialism and its bastard child, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, imperialism, civil wars instigated by foreign intelligence agencies, the plundering of natural resources and faux “humanitarian” interventions en masse, it seems that Africa just cannot find the salaam it undeniably and screamingly deserves. Much has been written about Africa’s plight being a product of Western aggression and Western racism but this is only a partial truth, as is so often the case when a discussion of world events and world history is initiated in the modern era of media domination, manipulation and disinformation. There are hidden hands behind every bit of genocide and suffering in Africa, past and present alike. In the groundbreaking works The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume One, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume Two - How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy and Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, based 100% on Jewish (oftentimes rabbinical) and philo-Semitic sources, unequivocally demonstrates that the torturous, inhuman and genocidal Transatlantic Slave Trade was an endeavor dominated by Jews, going back to the very beginnings of it in Brazil and Surinam. Despite a systematic smear campaign still going on to this day, the Jewish-Zionist Power Configuration has failed miserably in refuting the scholarly volumes because of the meticulous sourcing. What makes this revelation all the more intriguing, as well as disturbing, is that this hegemony wasn’t only material and physical, with Jews operating as both slave owners and slave traders; it was also ideological, with Jews passing down their dehumanizing religious beliefs to their Anglo partners in human misery. The Talmud: Judaism's holiest book, where anti-Gentile hatred is emphatic; it is here where the anti-African fable known as the "Curse of Ham" was born. In the Jewish religion, as ordained by the Babylonian Talmud, Blacks are eternally cursed through the channel known as “The Curse of Ham.” Though the curse originated in Chapter 9 of Genesis in the Bible, no racial identity was applied to Ham, son of the prophet Noah, and there was certainly no anti-Black prejudice. The racist origins of The Curse of Ham originated within the ‘wise’ rabbinic pages of the Talmud, which damned Blacks to an infinite existence of enslavement. Stated the rabbis, “Ham is told by his outraged father that, because you have abused me in the darkness of night, your children shall be born black and ugly; because you have twisted your head to cause me embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes; because your lips jested at my expense theirs shall swell; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked (1).” Moses Maimonides, Judaism’s most celebrated rabbinic ‘sage,’ has written that Blacks are “irrational animals” who are “below mankind but above monkeys (2).” Maimonides’ views are central to the overall Jewish view of Black people, as his name among Jews is an infallible and holy one. Talmudic rabbis have deepened The Curse of Ham over time, attributing bestiality as a regular engagement among Blacks, concocting depraved sexual fantasies of Ham fornicating with dogs and ravens and thus, having his skin damned with even more blackness for his perversion (3). Sick would be an understatement; demented wouldn’t even begin the description. And when the usurping Zionist regime’s policies towards Ethiopian Jews are examined in depth, and they are nothing short of emphatically deplorable, as well as Jewish discrimination against Blacks in the United States due to the disproportionate Jewish accumulation of wealth (4), it is as clear as the sky is dark when the sun falls that these hideous Talmudic beliefs are very much intact today, in the main blocs of Jewish life. The Rothschild family, the infamous and monstrously powerful Jewish dynasty of bankers, socialites and philanthropists who are rightly considered to be the godfathers of the criminal Zionist entity, are also linked to profiting from the Transatlantic Slave Trade (5). The Rothschild family was also fervently Talmudist, a tradition dating back to the family’s grandsire, Mayer Amschel himself, who was described by one S.J. Cohen in an unofficial, albeit accurate, admiring and authoritative biography of the Jewish financier entitled, “The Exemplary Life of The Immortal Banker Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild,” as a “zealous believer in the Talmud and chose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions (6).” Therefore, it shouldn’t be one bit astonishing that the Rothschild family would take part in such a cruel, murderous practice as slavery, as their Jewish beliefs dictated to them that it was perfectly okay to do so; their halfwit, nonsensical apologies notwithstanding. The Rothschild dynasty’s beliefs are also intrinsic to the spread of British and French colonialism throughout the African continent. The House of Rothschild: Talmudist Jewish banking dynasty that financed the colonial rape of Africa. As the courageous polemical poet and hero Ezra Pound once said, “Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles.” The British and French governments would have not have carried out and could not have carried out their blood-soaked colonial adventures in Africa without an elephantine amount of money, which they indeed did receive from their central banks in London and Paris respectively, as is properly acknowledged by history. What isn’t discussed or dare it even be said, what is ignored for fear of what lies beneath the surface, is that the these central banks, according to a cornucopia of Jewish sources, were under Rothschild dominion, with James Mayer in Paris and Nathan Mayer, described frequently in his time as “King of the Jews,” in London. Millionaires of Jewish extraction were very much the power of France’s financial scene and all of them were surrogates of the House of Rothschild. Jews of socialist, imperialist and republican political backgrounds all worked for the same cause: the furtherance of Rothschild power. As for Britain, the vast majority of the imperial power’s financial transactions were handled by the Rothschild dynasty (7). To be clear, the House of Rothschild did not have a mere lackadaisical connection to colonial imperialism, as if they were a fantastical caricature of financial greed, sitting in the lap of luxury while their “money worked for them.” These were Jewish fanatics who sincerely believed in subjugating the planet according to their tribal holy books, plundering the wealth of the goyim as they were meant to do as “God’s chosen people,” as confirmed so hatefully and vividly by this Babylonian Talmud excerpt, BT Baba Bathra 54b, “Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it (8).” The Rothschilds were the active disseminators of colonialism and imperialism and there is no clearer evidence of this than Cecil Rhodes, perhaps the most famous advocate of British world domination and considered to be a pioneer of the British colonial enterprise. This assessment however is quite deceptive as since the early 1880s, Cecil Rhodes was nothing but a proxy for the Rothschild family, who had a “substantial financial hold” over him. Rhodes, who with Rothschild capital established supremacy over the African diamond trade, reported directly to Nathan Mayer himself (9). It was the Rothschild frontman Cecil Rhodes who, in accordance with the hegemonic plans of his Talmudist masters, established the genocidal colony of Rhodesia, just north of South Africa, setting off a century of tumultuous conflict and unnecessary bloodshed. Rhodesia would go from colony of the Rothschild Empire, to the sadistic apartheid regime of Ian Smith from 1965-1980, to the nation known today as Zimbabwe, and it is here, where the introduction will end and the study shall begin. The Jewish exploitation of Africa has not ended; it has simply changed faces from the Talmudic financial expansionism of the House of Rothschild to the Zionism of the usurping Jewish entity in Palestine. Ruth Feigenbaum and Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft: Zionist agents attempting to impose Jewish cultural imperialism on Zimbabwe. Infiltrated Zimbabwe: Cultural Zionism Spreads Under The Guise Of “Humanitarianism” On March 1st, 2012, a curious article appeared in the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), the self-described “Global News Service of the Jewish People,” entitled, “In face of desperate African poverty, Ruth Feigenbaum provides a beacon of hope (10).” Feigenbaum, according to the JTA, became involved in human rights activities in Zimbabwe after her gardener (read: servant) was diagnosed with HIV and subsequently passed away three days later. The entire ordeal “deeply upset” Feigenbaum. Described as a “major player” in Zimbabwe, Feigenbaum used her “international Jewish connections” to build up charities inside Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest city. One such group that assisted her was the World Jewish Relief of London, an organization with a heavy hand in Africa and funded by a who’s who of Zionist consulting firms and Jewish fashion magnates including, but by no means limited to, Marks and Spencer, PO Ltd and Paula Ohrenstein Ltd, Lucy Wernick and Associates, Barry Finer, Majesta Ltd and the Jacobson Group (11). Some of the World Jewish Relief of London’s notable partners are B’nai B’rith, the institution of exclusively Jewish Freemasonry that the Zionist spy nest known as the Anti-Defamation League is intrinsically attached to, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a group originally founded as a distribution channel for funds used in the Jewish-Zionist plot to steal Palestine, Lyceum Shaalavim, an Orthodox Jewish school that specializes in Talmudist teachings and the Jewish Forum of Ukraine, a group tied to Zionist fundraising groups throughout the Eastern European nation (12). Apart from the alarming connections of the World Jewish Relief of London to the international Zionist criminal network and the racist core of Orthodox Jewry, the real reason why Feigenbaum is bouncing around Zimbabwe is revealed by her words, and it isn’t “humanitarianism.” Feigenbaum, referring to Zimbabwean children that she works with, said, “They have learned something about Jews and Judaism from me (10).” Assuredly, what these precious, innocent and unsuspecting children “learned” wasn’t the Curse of Ham or the teachings of Maimonides. Furthermore, Feigenbaum was assisted in her efforts by a South African rabbi named Moshe Silberhaft, who provided her with books for the children that she works with and who a library in her community would be named after. The JTA report noted that, “In her work with local Zimbabweans, Feigenbaum has introduced some Jewish teachings. During the library dedication, she had tears in her eyes watching the orphans sing songs in the two main indigenous Zimbabwean languages, Shona and Ndebele, as well as in English and Hebrew.” Feigenbaum also made mention that, “They greet me on every visit with a ‘shalom’ and thank me by saying ‘todah rabah.’ At Pesach time, with the matzah sent to us by Rabbi Moshe, I arrange a third seder so they can learn a little about our customs (10).” The African Jewish Congress is an outpost of Zionism that is vital to "Israeli" hegemony over the African continent. What was conspicuously absent from the JTA report, information that confirms who Feigenbaum really is and what her truly sinister intentions are is that she is a member of the African Jewish Congress (13), a Zionist Lobby group which helps African Jews “retain their links with World Jewry” and which maintains organizational goals of “fighting anti-Semitism” and promoting the interests of the usurping Zionist entity. The African Jewish Congress is an affiliate of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies and the World Jewish Congress (14), one of the most powerful Jewish-Zionist groups on the planet. The executive director of the African Jewish Congress is none other than Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Feigenbaum’s partner in Zimbabwe, who was rabbinically ordained in occupied al-Quds and is a citizen of the criminal Zionist entity (15). To repeat, Feigenbaum is no “humanitarian,” no “human rights activist”; she is a cultural Zionist imposing cultural Zionism (also known as Jewish cultural imperialism) on a native population. The legendary Nigerian revolutionary and musical renegade Fela Kuti famously declared that European cultural imperialism was the biggest enemy of the African and was the thing most vital for him to fight against. In this spirit, an addendum should be added that Jewish cultural imperialism (Cultural Zionism) is an enemy just as deadly to the African if not more so due to Jewish religious teachings and Zionist occupation policy (which is rooted in Judaic “wisdom”) both being inherently anti-Black. Cultural Zionism will install in its African victims a brutal cognitive dissonance in which they vehemently despise racism but also love Zionists, despite their abyssal and ancient supremacist beliefs, specifically in regards to the African, who, in their Judaic worldview, is eternally damned to slavery and “blackness” because of the Curse of Ham. Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg: Jewish supremacist and founder of Cultural Zionism. Cultural Zionism was created and developed by Jewish supremacist and educated Talmudist Ahad Ha’am (real name: Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg), who viewed the criminal Zionist project as a means of founding a “spiritual center for World Jewry (16),” the indigenous Palestinian people be damned. What Africans need to know is that at the very heart of Cultural Zionism is the destruction of everything that is not Jewish for the furtherance of Jewish interests, as evidenced by the “Greater Israel” doctrine (17). Ruth Feigenbaum’s advances in Zimbabwe are merely the beginning of something far more sinister, far more dangerous, like the early Jewish-Zionist settlers in Palestine before her, advancing Jewish cultural imperialism slowly and cunningly. An integral part of Cultural Zionism is spying and reconnaissance, understanding the indigenous culture before encroaching upon it and destroying it, and fifth columnists for the usurping Zionist entity is exactly what Feigenbaum, Silberhaft and the African Jewish Congress are. It is not coincidental that their activities have heightened at a time not too long after the Zimbabwean government of President Robert Mugabe stood defiantly against international Zionism and its proxies in Washington D.C. and London by vowing to provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with uranium for its peaceful program, despite crippling economic aggression. Indeed, Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi pointedly declared, “Restrictions against the two countries {Zimbabwe and Iran} are not accidental. Western states follow the approach of sanction towards countries which do not yield to their domination and act against their interest (18).” The cruel sanctions against the Islamic Revolution are well-known. The Western economic war against Mugabe’s Zimbabwe however is a hidden truth, the root cause of the hardships currently being struggled against by the Zimbabwean people and one that was also deliberately absent from the JTA report on Fiegenbaum and her Zionist “activism.” From the moment of Zimbabwean independence from the Rothschild Empire, Mugabe, himself imprisoned by the apartheid regime for a decade (1964-1974), initiated a program of land reform aimed at redistributing the land confiscated by the Rhodesian settlers back to their rightful owners: native Zimbabweans. The British government, an agent for Rothschild interests, entered into an agreement with Mugabe that it would take care of the Rhodesian settlers. Typically, it reneged, in a deliberate attempt to break the back of the Zimbabwean government and send the country into chaos. Mugabe, who built excellent programs of national health care and education, resulting in a literacy rate of 95% among indigenous Zimbabweans, the highest in Africa, as compared to an abysmal 39% during the apartheid years, resisted in the name of his people. And as a result of his sincere resistance to the Western plot, the American and British governments, as well as the IMF, an institution dominated by Zionist Jewry, imposed devastating sanctions on his country. The sanctions have prevented the Mugabe government from importing raw materials, laying the agricultural and industrial sectors of Zimbabwe to waste (19). Robert Mugabe has been steadfast in defending his nation from Western aggression and Jewish exploitation. Because of Mugabe’s historical principled stance on Palestine, and his courageous efforts to stop Jewish monopolization of Zimbabwe’s clothing and textile sectors (20), the usurping “Israeli” regime has joined in the economic aggression against the southern African nation of Resistance. The Zionist regime’s Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry, along with the Kimberley Process, an “Israeli”-run forum that fronts as a “human rights” group interested in stopping the flow of blood diamonds onto global markets, and Human Rights Watch, the notorious NGO funded by billionaire Zionist mega criminal George Soros to the tune of $100 million (21), teamed up to punish Zimbabwe for alleged (read: non-existent) human rights abuses and corruption (22). The utter egregiousness aside, what makes the matter so pathetically farcical and so laughably hypocritical, is that the largest exporter of diamonds in the world is “Israel,” and every diamond it produces is a blood diamond due to the fact that it stands accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, apartheid and extrajudicial executions inside and outside of its (ever-expanding) territory. The Zionist entity uses the money it procures from its blood diamonds to fund the criminal 64-year occupation of Palestine (23). And, in a stunning twist of fateful irony, just recently, an “Israeli” pilot named Shmuel Kainan Klein was caught by Zimbabwean immigration officials in an attempt to smuggle diamonds to Tel Aviv (24). The Zionist assault on the Zimbabwean people isn’t a new phenomenon either. While Mugabe was fighting the Rhodesian apartheid regime of Ian Smith, “Israel” was advising it, assisting it and arming it, with its patented “Uzi” machine guns and refurbished US helicopters (25). With reports abound in the Zionist media about Mugabe’s failing health, all of which, for the record, are false and likely planted by enemy intelligence agencies (26), the African Jewish Congress’ Ruth Feigenbaum still operating and his nation’s relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran gaining more ground with each passing day, it is certain that for the foreseeable future, Zimbabweans will not know peace, as they haven’t since the first day the Rothschild stooge Cecil Rhodes illegally stepped foot on their land. The Kony2012 campaign just unbearably reeks of Zionist propaganda. A Zionist Plot In Uganda: Kony2012 Sensationalism and Disinformation Galore On March 5th, 2012, the worldwide web was set ablaze by a glossy, emotional and deceptive video called “Kony2012” about a Central African rebel group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and its leader Joseph Kony. Produced by a group called Invisible Children, the Kony2012 campaign attracted celebrities from across the (Jewish-run) Hollywood spectrum and garnered major attention from the Zionist media. If these weren’t suspect enough, the red flags were solidified upon examining the campaign poster, which featured Joseph Kony alongside Osama Bin Laden and National Socialist Germany’s Adolf Hitler. Slamming a leader as “Hitler,” his country as “Germany” and his people as “Nazis” is a common, tiresome, ad hominem and reprehensibly slanderous attack that the Jewish Power Matrix has utilized incessantly since the horrific fall of National Socialism at the hands of the genocidal Allied Axis during WW2, most specifically against the German people themselves, Palestinians and Iraqis. And Osama Bin Laden of course, has been the boogeyman used by international Zionism to justify its ongoing Orwellian “war on terror.” The matter was quite reminiscent of the “Save Darfur” farce, a campaign that began as an exclusive project of the American Jewish community, with hardline Zionist groups like the American Jewish World Service and Jewish Community Relations Council leading the way in the propagandistic assault on the government of Sudan. More than half of the $100 million raised ended up in “Israeli” banks to fund illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank (27). Kony2012 is no less fraudulent as Joseph Kony is wrongfully depicted as this supremely influential warlord who has built up a massive, murderous army through the widespread physical, psychological and sexual abuse of child soldiers. Nowhere in the video does it mention that Kony’s LRA was originally comprised of the Acholi people, an ethnic group repressed and enslaved by the Rothschild-financed British colonialists. Nor does it mention that the LRA was formed to combat discrimination and resist the military dictatorship of Yoweri Museveni, who receives $45 million yearly from the US government to assist the fight against Al-Shabab, the Islamic Resistance of occupied Somalia. Conveniently, it also doesn’t mention that the LRA hasn’t been active in Uganda or anywhere else in Central Africa since 2006 and Kony himself has been AWOL for some time. The video is a con, pure and simple, and a dangerous one at that, as it attempts to create a pretext (capturing Kony) to justify American military aggression against Uganda and deepen the already-troublesome presence of AFRICOM on the continent (28). Invisible Children is a proxy of USAID, the odious next of spies and organ of international Zionism. Despite all of the hype however, Kony2012 is now in shambles. Jason Russell, co-founder of Invisible Children and the driving force behind the viral video, has brought disgrace to the initiative after melting down in public by swearing and screaming to himself, behaving lasciviously and pounding the sidewalk with both hands, all while being in the nude (29). Moreover, Invisible Children has been caught spying for the brutal Museveni regime and backing US-intelligence-led Ugandan military operations that left scores of innocent men, women and children dead (30). In the most devastating blow, and what is now absolute corroboration of previous analytical deductions that pegged Invisible Children as an organ of the arrogant powers, it has been revealed that the NGO is being funded and supported through the Northern Uganda Transition Initiative of USAID (31), the State Department apparatus so often associated with CIA-type operations and spying, as evidenced most recently by its activities of infiltration in educational institutions across Lebanon (32). And it is here where the Zionist ball of yarn seriously and uncontrollably unravels. The Deputy Administrator of USAID is Donald Steinberg, a lifetime diplomat who has served in multiple high-level positions in the US government including, most notably, Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council (1994-95) and senior advisor to President Clinton on all African issues, as well as Principal Deputy Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department (2001-2003), where he intimately assisted Secretary of State Colin Powell with the reconstruction of occupied Afghanistan. Steinberg is also a devoted Zionist who has played a key role in maintaining the status quos of the criminal occupations of Palestine and Kashmir through the Zionist-dominated “peace process” and its ugly sister, “conflict resolution (33).” USAID chief Donald K. Steinberg: lifelong devotee of imposing the Zionist agenda upon Africa. Steinberg is hated across the African continent for his role in the Rwandan Genocide, in which he advised the Jewish-run, philo-Semitic, war criminal Clinton administration to ignore the terrible bloodshed that would unfold. Steinberg now serves as Deputy President of the International Crisis Group (34), a mightily influential Zionist think tank founded by neoconservative hawk Morton Abramowitz and the aforementioned George Soros. Despite his “humanitarian credentials,” it is clear from his positions and associates that Steinberg is a top rank agent of the Cultural Zionism project in Africa. And as a commander of the powerful USAID, there is no doubt that Steinberg ensures a policy that grants loans only to those groups who are willing to pursue the Zionist agenda. Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni is also deeply involved with the usurping Zionist regime, hence why he receives tens of millions in aid from the Zionist-occupied United States government, which never compromises “Israeli” interests when in comes to setting up client regimes. He made his first visit to Jewish-occupied Palestine in 2003 when he met with the genocidal mass murderer Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (real name: Ariel Scheinermann) and psychotic hardliner Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Benjamin Mileikowsky) for the purpose of securing arms. His most recent visit, in November 2011, with Netanyahu and massacrer of Qana Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski), was in regards to more arms and amplification of economic aid. The meeting was organized by Rafi Eitan, the infamous former Palmach commander and Mossad operations director, who is now setting up business operations in Uganda (undoubtedly for further “Israeli” penetration) with the help of Museveni (35). It must be stated that it is quite possible, nay, quite highly probable that Yoweri Museveni wouldn’t be in power today if wasn’t for the Zionist entity due to the usurping regime’s intimate involvement in the downfall of former Ugandan leader, the misunderstood and demonized Idi Amin, who reigned from 1971-1979. During the opening months of his presidency, Amin had close ties with the Jewish supremacist entity, forging economic and military alliances with it. “Israeli” military advisors set up training camps for the Ugandan air force and infantry and there were routine meetings between Zionist occupation and Ugandan officials. The Zionist entity sold Amin jets, tanks and guns of all kinds, while its companies became involved in building Uganda’s infrastructure, including houses and roads. In exchange, Amin agreed to assist Zionist efforts to fragment Sudan (36). After turning against the usurping Zionist entity in 1972, Ugandan leader Idi Amin became a target that had to be "dealt with." “Israel” however, despite the vast involvement it already had in Uganda, was not living up to the agreements it had made with Amin and he began to look elsewhere in the region for assistance. His breakthrough came with none other than Muammar al-Qadhdhafi, the fallen Libyan leader who had been a thorn in the side of international Zionism from the very beginning of his reign. Qadhdhafi “berated” Amin for collaborating with Zionism and told him that the assistance was his as long as he promised to end his ties with the occupier of Palestine. Amin agreed and within two weeks, he had already taken measures to remove all Zionist Jews from Uganda and began issuing calls at the UN for “Israel” to be removed as a member and for “Israelis” to be expelled from Palestine back to Britain which he (rightly) viewed as responsible for helping birth the criminal Jewish “state.” He also began actively aiding the Palestinian Resistance. Right on queue, like clockwork, the Zionist media began depicting Amin as an “anti-Semite” and “brutal dictator” who ran a “terror regime” that “murdered hundreds of thousands of Ugandans belonging to tribes that opposed” it (36). It was the “Entebbe Crisis,” which lasted from June 27th, 1976 to July 4th, 1976, that ultimately led to the disintegration of Idi Amin’s regime, tarnishing his image internationally and weakening him internally. Out of the ashes of what the Zionists would call “Operation Entebbe,” President of Tanzania Julius Nyerere would take action against Idi Amin at a time when he viewed the Ugandan leader and his army as weak. Nyerere would send 40,000 troops into the Ugandan capital of Kampala in April 1979, the culmination of three years of conflict, where the Tanzanian forces would emerge victorious drive Amin into exile (36). What isn’t known about these two events, other than that they are indeed connected, is that the Zionist entity fomented and manipulated both of them. The "Israeli" internal security service, Shin Bet, orchestrated the Entebbe false flag hijacking to bring down Idi Amin and weaken the PLO. The Entebbe Crisis began when the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) allegedly hijacked a plane in Athens and subsequently flew the plane into Entebbe; 98 persons, most of them “Israeli” Jews, were held hostage. The operation was reported worldwide as an act of terrorism, with Idi Amin being a “state sponsor of terror.” This narrative, like every other narrative of the Jewish-Zionist media, is a lie. In truth, the hijacking was a false flag attacked staged by the “Israeli” internal security service, Shin Bet (or Shabak), who had infiltrated the PFLP and planted “all sorts of wild elements” within the organization’s mix. The intention of the operation, other than to undermine Idi Amin, was to weaken the PLO in the eyes of France and the United States. The crisis came to a close when elite “Israeli” occupation commandos raided Entebbe Airport, bringing the Zionist false flag theater to its closing act and rescuing the hostages. “Israeli” Prime Minister Netanyahu’s brother, Yonatan, died during the raid (37). Tanzania, led by Julius Nyerere from 1961 until his retirement in 1985, was an “Israeli” client state from the moment of its independence in 1964, establishing uninterrupted security, diplomatic and economic ties (38). Most recently, the Zionist entity has taken a substantial portion of control of Tanzania’s vast mining operations, with the Engelinvest mega corporation of “Israeli” moneyman Jacob Engel taking hold of three mines, and securing dominion over Tanzanian gold, copper, nickel and other metals (39). Nyerere himself was not only an ally of the Jewish occupation regime but a devoted supporter of the Zionist cause, once ridiculously and insultingly declaring that war criminal Golda Meir (real name: Golda Mabovich) was the “mother of Africa.” Nyerere personally (and nonsensically, for that matter) believed that any enemy of the Jews (“Israel”) was an enemy of the Blacks (Africa). The relations between Tanzania and “Israel” were of a special kind and there is no doubt that this was due to the ideological veneration of Nyerere (40), which was highly peculiar for a Third World leader of his stature. Amin’s heroic intransigence made his removal a prime Zionist objective in Africa, and with these revelations regarding the bond between Tanzania and Zionism now in context, there can be doubt there was an “Israeli” hand in Nyerere’s crippling of Amin and his government. The Ugandan people, now being ruled by the pro-“Israel” dictator Museveni, can only wonder “what if...” in regards to what has transpired since that fateful 1976 summer in Entebbe; “what if...” Amin emerged triumphant over “Israel.” The tentacles of international Zionism extend throughout the globe and deep into the continent of Africa. Conclusion: Welcome To Africa, Where Zionist Tentacles Extend Throughout The Continent On November 23rd 2010, an important story reported in the Hebrew press of the Zionist entity, then picked up by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Press TV, revealed a rather bothersome development. A retired “Israeli” colonel by the name of Avi Sivan had died in a helicopter crash near Yaounde, the capital of the Central African nation of Cameroon. Sivan was responsible for training the Cameroonian presidential guard and was also the head of the Jewish supremacist entity’s military delegation to Cameroon (41). The question was, “if the Zionist entity’s tentacles in Africa had penetrated a nation as geopolitically obscure as Cameroon, where else was it reaching?” To be blunt, the answer is, “everywhere.” On the books, the usurping Jewish regime has intelligence contacts in Eritrea, Kenya, Malawi, Zaire, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Egypt and Morocco (42). Off the books, the list is even more extensive and thus, a brief but precise overview is necessary. Firstly, it must be understood that even America’s policies towards Africa, in fact, its entire geopolitical network of stratagems for the continent, are shaped by the Zionist regime itself and its plethora of think tanks (43). Secondly, the pestilential plan of senior “Israeli” foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon, “A Strategy For Israel In The 1980s,” a plot discussed on numerous occasions here at Mask of Zion, which features the fragmentation and dissolution of Sudan and Libya as prominent points, has been exported by the Zionist regime across the African continent. “Yinon Africa” is being assisted by the Ugandan dictatorship of Museveni, the corrupt regime in Kenya and the longtime marionette of Zionism, Ethiopia. The objectives of “Yinon Africa” are to balkanize the continent on three lines: ethno-linguistics, skin color and religion. Additionally, the concept of a US Military Central Command in Africa (AFRICOM), was designed and promoted by the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), the same Zionist think tank that produced the infamous “Clean Break” papers (44). The usurping Jewish supremacist entity and the apartheid regime in South Africa were so intertwined before the fall of Pretoria that it appeared they were a singularity. The malevolent apartheid regime of South Africa is perhaps where the Jewish supremacist entity’s ties were the strongest. In South Africa, Jews benefited and thrived under the racist regime’s protection, maintaining and strengthening their ties with the Zionist entity. The Board of Deputies of South African Jewry, a major Zionist Lobby front on the African continent, declared “neutrality” in regards to apartheid so Jewish interests weren’t compromised. The “Israeli” security establishment saw the relationship with South Africa so vital in fact that, it actually believed the ties saved the Jewish “state” from extinction. The Zionist entity didn’t just provide a plethora of arms to the apartheid regime, it “created the South African arms industry.” Zionist occupation officers also assisted Pretoria with its operations (read: atrocities) in Angola and, from the illegal Jews-only colony of Kibbutz Beit Alfa, “Israel” developed a profitable industry selling anti-riot vehicles to the apartheid regime. Most astoundingly, Zionism provided South Africa with nuclear technology and expertise, helping it build its own miniature nuclear arsenal (45). Needless to say, every drop of South African blood spilled by the apartheid regime, especially in its last days, is on the hands of “Israel.” Speaking of Angola, where the Zionist entity was active with South African forces, it should be mentioned that Angolan warlord Jonas Savimbi, the seemingly eternal darling puppet of America’s Jewish Lobby, the neoconservative establishment and “Israel,” was assassinated by Zionist special forces when he no longer served a purpose (46). Nowhere has the usurping and criminal Zionist entity been more successful in executing destruction than Sudan, a prime target of the Yinon Plan in its past and current incarnations. Oil-rich Sudan has been cracked in half, its unity split and destroyed. The Zionist dragon’s military-intelligence apparatuses designed this balkanization, instigated it, funded the players and from Uganda to Ethiopia, it still maintains agents and assets to uphold the new fragmented Sudanese status quo. “Israel” has already entered the new, fabricated nation-state of ‘South Sudan.’ The deceptive and dangerous IsraAID, backed by Zionist Lobby organizations like the American Jewish Committee and United Jewish Appeal, is on the ground. The newly-created Zionist puppet state has opened its doors to “Israeli” companies to do business in the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, security and medicine, business worth hundreds of millions of dollars. South Sudan views this gesture as gratitude for the Zionist dragon’s committed military and intelligence support to its ‘rebellion.’ And now, to make the relationship between South Sudan and Zionism globally legitimate, full diplomatic relations have been established between the two entities so Tel Aviv can officially take control of South Sudan’s oil-rich economy (47). “Israel” has been exceedingly active in Ethiopia for decades upon decades but 1990 is where relations hit new peaks. The Zionist regime fueled the Ethiopian Civil War as a testing ground for what it could do with its real enemies, Iraq, Syria and Iran. “Israel” supplied the regime of war criminal and collaborator Mengistu Haile Mariam with cluster bombs, several hundred IOF military trainers to guide the Ethiopian Army, 150,000 bolt-action rifles and an unknown number of its patented “Uzi” machine gun (48). The assistance has continued under the rule of Ethiopian Prime Minister and horrific human rights abuser Meles Zenawi Asres, in power since the fall of Mariam, with the most recent development being the purchase of murderous drones from the “Israeli” firm, Bluebird (49). Kenya and the Jewish "state" are united in the Zionist war against the people of occupied Somalia. Kenya has been dear to the heart of the Jewish “state” since its assistance to Mossad and Aman during Operation Entebbe (50). In late November, the Kenyan regime signed a security pact that would have “Israeli” security consultants sent to the East African nation to govern its assault against the Islamic Resistance of occupied Somalia, Al-Shabab. The Somali Resistance assailed the Kenyan regime for the traitorous move, slamming the deal as an attack on Islam (51). The Zionist entity has provided Kenya with weapons in the past and this pact will significantly expand the existent ties, which is promising for “Israeli” arms firms; as usual, the innocent civilians already being butchered in the Zionist proxy war are of no concern to the Jewish “state” (52), considering that the civilians are of African origin and therefore “cursed” in Zionist eyes. The “Israel”-Kenya dirty deal is already “bearing fruit,” as Kenya has allowed the usurping Jewish entity to house 5 drones in a Kenyan military base on the border with Somalia in exchange for a stash of heavy weaponry and 13 “Israeli” military advisors making their home in Kenya. The Zionist drones have illegally taken to the skies in Somalia and launched hellish missile attacks, with the latest one murdering at least 17 innocents and wounding more than 60 others (53). A 53-year old IAF engineer named Hanoch Miller, who founded a defense firm called Radom Aviation which has worked with “Israeli” Aerospace Industries, has been caught attempting to smuggle weapons to the pathetic puppet regime in Somalia, which is fully complicit in the crimes against the Somali people carried out by the US-backed UN-AU occupation. Though Miller appears to be acting independently, this is highly suspect due to his elite status in the IAF and the fact that the Zionist entity wants to establish relations with the regime (54). Only because of the steadfast Resistance of Al-Shabab has Somalia not been colonized, but it is indeed in the sights of the Merhav Group of “Israel,” a powerful Mossad-run consortium headed by elite Mossad agent Yosef A. Maiman that has already taken over the energy interests of occupied Afghanistan (55). Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhdhafi, June 1942 – October 20th, 2011; murdered in a Zionist conspiracy to fragment Libya. Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhdhafi, a revolutionary and four-decade resistor of Zionism and Western domination loved dearly by his people, is dead. In an operation led by NATO and its rebels, Qadhdhafi was sodomized and tortured before he was murdered. The invasion, which took place on the Jewish revenge holiday of Purim, like Iraq before it, was designed by the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), the renamed Jewish-Zionist “Cabal” once known as the Project for a New American Century, and the despicable lies of “human rights violations” and “impending genocide” used by the Zionist media to sell the invasion to the world were generated by UN Watch, a Zionist affiliate of AIPAC’s foreign policy wing, the American Jewish Committee, and headed by “Israeli” citizen Hillel Neuer. Qadhdhafi was planning to introduce a gold dinar into the African economy for oil trade, a move that would have devastated Jewish-Zionist financial domination of the continent (56). The NATO rebels are not only willing to recognize the usurping Zionist regime, they are prepared to let it establish a base in eastern Cyrenaica on a 30-year lease (57). Qadhdhafi is spinning in his grave. Another African revolutionary life that “Israel” ended was that of Mehdi Ben Barka, routinely described as the “Moroccan Che Guevara” and, “the Frantz Fanon of Morocco.” The Zionist entity’s Mossad kidnaped the great revolutionary theoretician and murdered him in cold blood (58). After penetrating the security forces of Nigeria, the Zionist entity's Mossad, with the help of the CIA, is tearing the oil-rich West African nation apart. Nigeria as of late has been rocked by an unrelenting campaign of violent car bombings, including a horrific attack on Christmas Day, which the Zionist media blames on an Islamic group known throughout the capital of Abuja and other cities for its social services, Boko Haram. Nigerian Muslims view the attacks as a means of instigating a religious war to divide the country on ethno-sectarian lines (59), as per one of the directives of “Yinon Africa,” and Nigerian Muslims also reject the idea that Boko Haram is behind the sophisticated attacks, saying it is far beyond their scope and antithetical to their agenda. They say that Boko Haram has become a “boogeyman” used by the Goodluck Jonathan regime to obtain Western grants (60). It is not by luck of any sort that the bombings in Nigeria began right around the same time that the Jonathan regime brought in a team of Mossad and CIA operatives, overseen by “Israeli” Ambassador to Nigeria Moshe Ram, to probe (read: run) its security services (61). The Zionist entity is attempting to break up Nigeria using the same successful methods it used in Sudan and it couldn’t be any clearer. “Israeli” activity has even been found as far as the tiny island state of Madagascar, where an “illegal commando unit” of Zionist mercenaries led by 60-year old Joseph Akiva from the illegal Jewish settlement of Netanya were involved in a savage crackdown that left dozens of protesters dead. Akiva and his band of goons were suppressing rivals of former Madagascar President Marc Ravalomanana. Despite business interests on the Indian Ocean island involving construction, Akiva has been extradited back to occupied Palestine for his murderous criminal activity (62). One of the most unknown examples of Zionist puppetry in Africa was “Emperor” of the Central African Republic, Jean-Bédel Bokassa. The closest friend of the megalomaniacal Bokassa was one of the usurping Jewish entity’s “famous generals,” General Shmuel Gonen-Gorodish. The “Israeli” general, in addition to his military and security advice, built up the public relations of Bokassa throughout the globe. Gonen-Gorodish also embezzled large amounts of taxes and customs from the state treasury. Though their relationship didn’t last long, when a military coup ousted Bokassa from power, Gonen-Gorodish helped him flee to the Ivory Coast, where, ironically enough, the luxury hotels, palaces of the rulers and monopolistic companies were all built with the close assistance of the private firms and racist Histadrut of the Zionist entity (63). The coastal West African nation of Sierra Leone has been pillaged by some of the most vile elements of International Jewry. From the Brooklyn neighborhood of Brighton Beach, the small, troubled and diamond-rich Sierra Leone was “virtually run” by Marat Balagula, the Ukranian-Jewish mob boss of the most powerful criminal organization on earth, the Red Mafiya. Sierra Leone’s president, Joseph Momoh, didn’t have any problem with the Jewish syndicate setting up global smuggling and money laundering operations in Freetown because Balagula’s associates, in return, bankrolled Momoh’s 1985 presidential campaign. The Jewish ultra-gangster’s main contact in Sierra Leone was a Mossad agent named Shabtai Kalmanovitch, who trained Momoh’s presidential guard and assisted in the crushing of an attempted coup in 1986. Balagula and Kalmanovitch were introduced by Rabbi Ronald Greenwald, a frontman for the interests of Marc Rich (64), the famous billionaire Jewish criminal pardoned by Bill Clinton. This revelation shows a clear nexus between the “Israeli” entity and organized crime, united in the ancient Jewish hatred of the Black man, working together for the furtherance of Jewish interests. Dan Gertler: the Chabadnik Zionist and Jewish "merchant of death" responsible for drowning the Congo in blood. In the Congo, where a catastrophic genocide has been occurring since 1996, in which up to 10 million people have died at a maddening rate of 1,500 a day, the profiteers of this downright insidious humanitarian disaster are almost exclusively Jewish and intimately linked to the larger network of international Zionism that has been responsible for every major conflict of the last century. Led by Dan Gertler, the grandson of Moshe Schnitzer, an Irgun terrorist known throughout the Zionist entity as “Mr. Diamond” and for founding the “Israel” Diamond Exchange in Tel Aviv in 1960, which today brings the usurping regime $14 billion annually in blood business, there is a Jewish-Zionist network in the Congo so interlocked, so powerful and so domineering, that it can truly make one’s head spin (65). Gertler, a member of the influential Chabad Lubavitch supremacist gangster cult and guided by Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Leibovitch, is in bed with Jewish diamond dynasties that include the families of Templesman, Oppenheimer, Mendell, Blattner, Hertzov and Steinmetz, his main partner. The Chabadnik criminal bought off the Congolese government in exchange for high-level “Israeli” defense and intelligence assistance. The endeavors of Gertler and Beny Steinmetz, one of the richest Jews in the Zionist entity, have proliferated and today, they have a monopoly over Congo’s diamonds, a dominant stake in Congo’s copper and the largest cobalt-mining company in the world. And all of this blood money ties into Jewish organized crime, “Israeli” arms dealers, multiple influential Chabad houses and the Zionist occupation itself all the way up to Netanyahu’s office (65). Gertler, a Jewish supremacist of the highest order, revels in sucking the Congo’s blood and he’s so sadistically thirsty for it, he just won’t stop his criminality until there is nothing left but millions more dead. If the late Mehdi Ben Barka was the “Moroccan Che Guevara,” then Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara, the Burkinabé revolutionary, Pan-Africanist and righteous leader of Burkina Faso from 1983-1987, was certainly the “Che Guevara of Africa.” Sankara was known for his incorruptibility and radical (and successful) policies that included land reform, women’s rights, literacy promotion, education, famine prevention, resource nationalization, anti-neoliberalism, anti-Zionism, anti-imperialism, public health care, social justice and legal punishment for all previous oppressors, colonialist and collaborator alike. Thomas Sankara was nothing short of remarkable. Unfortunately however, his extraordinary and pristine life came to an end on October 15th, 1987, when he was overthrown and executed in a coup d’état by incumbent Burkinabé president, Blaise Compaoré. It has been known, for quite some time, rather undisputably in all actuality, that French intelligence and the CIA aided the coup, but there is yet another player that isn’t discussed. Not only has the usurping Zionist entity’s Foreign Affairs Ministry described Burkina Faso as “one of ‘Israel’s’ most loyal friends in Africa (66),” but Blaise Compaoré is an honorary member of The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (67), a known front for the usurping Jewish regime’s Mossad in which Yosef A. Maiman, the aforesaid Mossad agent who runs the Merhav Group of “Israel” consortium that is currently targeting Somalia, sits on the Board of Directors (68). The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation was founded by Argentine Jewish supremacist Baruch Tenembaum, a devoted Talmudist, Kabbalist and Zionist who made it his life’s work to undermine Christianity (69). The fact that Compaoré belongs to such an organization is damning; he is a Mossad asset and has been one from the moment that he sold his soul and Burkina Faso to the enemies of Thomas Sankara. Moreover, in a startling admission from former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, it is now known that French intelligence is compromised and has been so for some time; the Zionist entity controls it (70). This is yet another damning piece of evidence that Thomas Sankara was indeed a martyr made so by Zionism. Burkinabé hero Thomas Sankara, December 21, 1949 – October 15, 1987; martyred by agents of the Jewish Power Matrix. The fallen Burkinabé hero’s widow, Mariam Sankara, declared with her head held high, “What remains above all of my husband is his integrity.” Indeed. And just one week before Mossad asset Compaoré led the coup against him which would result in his untimely death at the tender age of 36, Thomas would famously state, “While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas (71).” Indeed again. The ideas of Thomas Sankara have not died; they are more alive now than ever before, in the hearts of the Islamic Resistance of Somalia and the Libyan Green Resistance fighting Zionist-designed occupations of their ravaged homelands, and in the streets of Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco, fighting counterrevolutions and repressive, pro-“Israel” dictatorships. What the people of Africa, Black and Arab, Christian and Muslim, and everything in between, must know, is that the Zionist entity, inspired by a primordial Jewish supremacist ideology, has no interest in your land except to exploit it, and exploit you. Zionism is a cancer that infests, infects and destroys everything in its path. But like any other cancer, it can be counteracted and cut out, so it never returns. O’ Africa! Cut out the Zionist cancer from your midst. Cut it out like a knife to flesh and vow never to mix with it again. It is what Sankara would have wanted. It is what Qadhdhafi would have wanted. It is what Mehdi Ben Barka would have wanted. It is the right thing to do; the just thing, for all of the martyrs of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. For Rwanda. For the Congo. For Burkina Faso. For Somalia. For Zimbabwe. For Uganda. For anyone and everyone who has suffered at the hands of the usurping Jewish entity; to all oppressed people from Africa to what lies beyond its beautiful and ancient borders, heed the call: cut out the Zionist infestation before it is too late. Cut it out before you wake up one morning to the cruel jackboot of Jewish cultural imperialism stepping on your soul, with no Fela Kuti to remind you of the “Zombie” that now personifies your very existence. ~ The End

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How European Jewish Elites PERMANENTLY Destroyed The Black Race

Doing some research I have learned who are the real evil we can't see and it's not whites as I was led to believe but these zionist jews who are behind israhell and the evil in the world. They have most blacks dubbed into thinking they are your friends but are using you to accomplish their American goals of takedown America by any means necessary. Black people in this country have been systemically destroyed by Jewish supremacy. They always get us first and then white Gentiles second. Most of us blame whitey for our problems, if not ourselves, and there are plenty of whites who hate or resent blacks and will do everything in their power to prevent our quality of life and independence. Those whites are also victims of Jewish supremacy because they see blacks or other nonwhites as their enemies when in fact they have been brainwashed by the Jewish media just like blacks to believe everyone is their enemy except for Jews or Israel. There is one and only one common enemy to all of mankind and it is the Jewish elite who own and run the international banking cartel that has each and every one of us enslaved to it in perpetual debt servitude. How did they do it? Well it wasn’t easy and it took some time but they are a patient bunch if nothing else. Blacks have been the major Jewish tool of exploitation ever since our arrival on slave ships in America, those who didn’t die fleeing in Africa or from sickness during the voyage and were dumped overboard. Who financed the ships that brought us here? European Jews. There would have been no TransAtlantic Slave Trade, or at least a much smaller version of it, without Jews as the financial backers. By the way Columbus was a Jew too. The first thing Jews had to do was destroy the black family and all of our African traditions. By lynching black men, splitting up the slave families, raping black women, etc. Jews (of course they paid whites to do most of the dirty work for them) were able to make black males appear as less than men. We are still in that condition as a whole today with the Jewish promotion of black men being on the “down low”, prison rape and the gay agenda wholeheartedly espoused by Obama who I believe is gay himself. Willie Lynch was the blueprint and it worked. It is ironic that although black men have been almost completely emasculated by this plot that black women are still largely attracted only to black men sexually even though they simultaneously hate us for our infidelities. Black men have succumbed, myself included, to the Jewish media’s recent promotion of interracial relationships to dilute the gene pool and make us all easier to control. Black men are portrayed as being either gay (Tyler Perry, Martin Lawrence in drag) or after white women (Lamar Odom, Ice T, etc), despite the fact that the vast majority of black men are straight and date only black women. I would never date a black woman or a white woman anymore but sex and dating are not the same thing. Most Americans don’t know this but the concept of using race as a tool of social stratification began in Virginia less than two hundred years ago. The Jewish elite basically offered the white working class a plea bargain. If whites would cease their alliance with blacks and building unions in exchange whites would receive white privilege. Whites took the bait and accepted their higher rank based on skin color and America has never looked back. If it after this betrayal that the worst racial atrocities occurred including lynching, Jim Crow, church bombings and the like. It was a trick of course and the Jewish elite still have whites and most blacks fooled today. Feminism was started by and promoted by Jews. We all know about Betty Freidan and Gloria Steinem……both Jews. Feminism didn’t free women from male oppression. It just told them to ignore their feminine instincts and to emulate men. It was never intended to give women a choice in anything. It was designed to make woman the equal of man by legally destroying gender norms and roles. Now the single mother rate in the black community is over 70%. Black men are many times unable to provide for their families while black women are getting college degrees and corporate jobs that pay well. The black male is hence further emasculated worsening an already bad situation. Before feminism women were forced to stay home and raise kids by social stigma. Now under feminism women are forced to get a job and raise kids without a husband by social stigma. If you act like a woman who needs a man you are viewed by feminists as weak and backwards. Sickening…….Men and women complement each other. We don’t replace each other. Feminists knew what they were doing when they presented women with the alternative of another false choice. Women took the bait. From the time Africans were sold into slavery or simply stolen from Africa Jews have hooked blacks on Christianity, a Jewish plagiarized myth. Each generation of blacks forced each successive generation to believe the hymie and now the black race is a bunch of Jesus freaks who fear “God’s chosen people” even though no one in the entire Bible of lies is even European. Do the names “Matthew”, “Mark”, “Luke” and “John” sound like Hebrew names to you? Of course not. They sound like the Beverly Hillbillies or Beverly Hills 90210. The word “Jew” never appears in the Bible because it was written and corrupted by the Jews before that word even came into use by the Jews. Now Christian blacks live in fear of hell after death for not obeying the Gentile mitzvoth of the Bible including homophobia and forbidden fornication nonsense. Then they give us phony black leaders who tell us to forgive our enemies and turn the other cheek and we obey like Jesus freaks. Forgive not seven times but seven times seventy the good book says. Of course this was even further ensconced into blacks with the Holocaust fallacy taught in public miseducation at the end of WWII and even to this day. We are taught that non-Jews are bad and Jews are good, no matter what their actions are because God simply likes them better. What a fucking ridiculous notion but repetition eventually overcomes the common senses of most men. Everything on TV and in Hollywood re-inforces the holohoax lies. The Nation of Islam would have us believe their religion is different but it’s another Jew religion. They all are including Buddhism and Hinduism. Let’s dig even deeper. Jews convinced blacks that voting is a privilege that can change things when in fact every so-called right that is ever granted to blacks is gutted of any efficacy before doing so. Joel Spingarn is the Jew that started the NAACP to distract whites from Jewish infiltration. It worked and it’s still working. Jews are behind the eugenics movement that sterilizes black females without them even knowing. These organizations were eventually banned during the 60’s and 70’s but re-emerged after their rebranding under the same Jewish management, including Margaret Sanger, as Planned Parenthood. You go in for counseling and you come out impotent. Nice huh? Maybe they’ll get drive-thru service soon too? What blacks don’t understand is that the damage done to us collectively is generational and cumulative. It doesn’t go away because you didn’t experience it yourself. It is passed on genetically and spiritually to the offspring, although they have a hard time putting a finger on it for obvious reasons. They are never told or taught the truth. Now the prison industrial complex is a multi-billion dollar booming business using blacks for free labor…..again! Slavery ain’t over. It just changed from overt to covert. If black women can’t find a good black man then maybe they should start looking in jails and prisons. That’s where many of us are. If that wasn’t enough now the state can legally seize your children when you are unable to take care of them. The fathers can be jailed for not paying child support, as if they will make any money while incarcerated. It is no longer even denied that crack cocaine was dumped into the black community by the CIA. They admit it. Our response? Nothing. Our children continue to suffer at the hands of the public mis-education system of indoctrination that ignores black and African contributions to history which dwindle those of all other races. Our children are put into remedial classes and held back grades. They are hooked on to drugs like Ritalin that further stunt their growth and ability to learn. Jews are masters of inventing conditions like ADD/ADHD that do not really exist and then making a poisonous drug to treat the phony condition. That’s all AIDS is. AIDS doesn’t kill you because it’s not real but the drugs they give you to treat AIDS are real. They are toxic and have never failed to kill anyone taking them as prescribed. How do healthy people get diagnosed with HIV? Blacks have a higher concentration in our blood of the chemical used to return positive on the HIV test. This is eugenics all over again but one again it is now covert instead of overt. Everything that is toxic in our air, food and water supply is in higher concentrations in black neighborhoods. That includes fluoride, lead, manganese in drinking water (which makes you angry), chemtrails, mercury and the list goes on. Why do you think fast food restaurants are always open 24/7 in black neighborhoods and We get poison 24/7. That’s efficient genocide. And if Masonry is judaism then you can see how those black men are being used by Elite Jews. The media has successfully portrayed all black women as angry, crazy and violent. They are portrayed as golddiggers who really hate black men but use them for their sperm and then chase white men for the money. This has actually become largely true thanks to the Jewish media and BET. Money worship and prosperity gospel are the order of the day in black America. Get rich or die tryin’. Black women worship money so intensely that I have seen some actually have an orgasm from simply being in the presence of it. That is a sickness that only God could cure. So while all of this Jewish carnage is going on what do most black men do who are not in prison or jail? We watch sports and play video games to escape from what we perceive as irreparable damage to our people. We are probably correct but that is not reason to capitulate to evil. When you do so you damn yourself to the same fate as your Jewish oppressors. I’m starting to believe one part from the Jewish Bible and that is the curse of Ham. We sure as hell are a cursed people who refuse to unite about anything like other races do. We are damned. In fact we are Goddamned!!! By Jabari

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Coon ass niggas in these muthaphucking crackass jobs(HOUSE NIGGAS)

I could not believe the self hate and ignorant shit that's at these Caucasian companies in the workplace.These niggas are so mad that people like me are exposing masonry which ain't nothing but madness controlled by the zionist jews.Zionism is responable for most of the ills in this world and they are using good house niggas that don't have a clue what they are apart of. You would have thought that I would have been attacked verbally by a white person or another person of the Caucasian race. But no, low and behold it was always another nigga or masonic fool cooning in these jobs and going all out to talk about, degrade and even act like they wanna get violent with you. The moment I started employment with these coons they were armed and ready for this kind of foolishness only like a nigga could. Now they had no evidence of their derogatory sayings and they never took the time to speak to me about anything they thought was wrong.  Yet these negro clowns went on a verbal attack almost daily which bobbled my mind and led me to look and see who I was dealing with. A few of them may have been masons and the reason I say this is because one of the workers husband was a mason and I had overheard some of their conversations and it seem to me they knew who I was without knowing me at all. They seem know about my life and my past without even knowing me in general.  They didn't know I knew but I did and again that brotherhood was in that bitch. As I saw a few with those symbols on their cars. I don't wanna speculate but that was apart of the problem as I have written about these  people in the past. Because their anger towards me and out right hatred was uncalled for. Now remember they were black just like me and as I said before the only ones they were hating on had the same color as me. They never attack a person of a different race or Caucasian background. That led me to believe that they were not only afraid of master cracker and losing their jobs but they would never attack another person of the Caucasian race like they did me. Theses trader niggas and bitches is alive and well in the black community. Y'all need to know black people whats going on because these types are the reason you have a continuous cycle of self hate in our communities.And just like the Queen in Chicago said who was trying to get employment and jobs for her community and a lunch program that always seem to fail."The minute black people try to get something positive for themselves and there community,the government white man seems to have an unlimited supply of agents, house niggers, coons and co intelpro destroying their movement." They are literally angry at the black lives matter movement and trying to undermine it by making it seem to be just for militant blacks which is not the case. I don't care for working in this white supremace system. It does nothing for me and I feel empty with a lot of void. In my past posts I have talked about a lot things that I see going on and it is very prevalent that white supremacy rules and is the order of business in business. We black people have to work for the slave masters children. And this is the reason we are not getting ahead, hopefully I will be able to break free from this system and do my own thing and work for myself. This is my ultimate goal and then go from there. But as I go on that journey I have to deal with nonsense from niggas, coons and self hating fools. Much luv to my people who are not sheep and who are black like me and who think like me because you are truly my brothers and sisters.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe, Engineered Winter, The Toxic Deception

There is a Blackout of geoengineered weather,here in the midwest we just experienced an engineered snow storm. The weather was in the steady 30's then all of a sudden the temperature dropped and we have freezing temperatures and ice everywhere. All the public needs to do is look up and see the planes that are spewing these chemtrails in the sky. The planes usually spew out a thick smog behind the wing tail. This is very hard evidence of somekind of spraying going on. Here is an article from Dane Wigington someone who has research this issue and can tell you a little more about it. There is no natural weather at this point, the entire climate system has been completely tainted by the climate engineering insanity. Artificially/chemically nucleated snow storms are a major component of the geoengineering programs. The observations and photographs below are yet more documentation of the all out chemical assault being waged by the weather makers. Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered? There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes. Two known patents for the process of “artificial ice nucliation for weather modification” are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating ”artificial snow storms” but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing. If the Chinese government can routinely create snow storms out of what should have been a rain event, how much more advanced must our government be at this same process? When monitoring radar images of rain during a storm, it is now common to see the rain “flash out” to snow for no appearant reason. No mountains, no colliding air mass, nothing. The “meteorologists” at the Rothschild’s/ military industrial complex owned Weather Channel call this “turning over to snow”. Why would rain just “turn over” to snow for no reason? Engineered Ice Nucleation Cools Air Masses Many of the snow events occurring around the US, even at this time of year, are amazingly still occurring at above freezing temperatures. Some are at temperatures of 10 degrees or more above freezing. How is this possible? Have the laws of physics changed? It is done with various processes of chemical ice nucleation. This is the same as the first aid chemical ice pack. Mix the chemicals and you have ice. Whatever the existing temperatures of a storm and the surrounding air mass at the time the artificial nucleation is commenced, temperatures are lowered significantly further by the nucleation process. If the nucleation process is started at far above freezing temperatures, then the temps can fall to near freezing or below as the process continues. If the region where an “ice nucleated” event is being carried out is already well below freezing, the temperatures will fall to still lower temperatures. If the chemical nucleation process is inflicted aggressively enough, in already cold regions, temperatures can be driven to deadly levels well below zero. Northern Europe is currently in the grip of what appears to be just such a geoengineered event. Why Would They Do This? First, because they can. Why would the global power elite detonate over 1800 nuclear bombs? Because there is no one to stop these experiments. Because there is no regulation whatsoever of the ongoing global geoengineering programs though many “outlines” for such governance exist as if these programs are not yet a reality. There are likely other straight forward reasons. 60 years of global climate experimentation have done horrific damage to the global climate system. The planet is warming, it would appear in large part due to the damage done by the ongoing geoengineering programs. Massive ozone holes and methane releases are occurring. Now it appears that those at the helm of the global spraying programs are trying to “cover up” the damage that has been done from the spraying by spraying yet more, and probably with an ever growing list of toxic elements. Isn’t this the true definition of insanity? Doing the same thing on an ever bigger scale and expecting a different result? Though all available data makes clear that stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) can and does cool large regions temporarily, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming to the planet. NASA’s own data confirms this. What Are The Consequences? The problems that arise when ice nucleation is imposed on the atmosphere are many. Some consequences we can not yet know for sure, but what we do know is bad enough. First, the entire hydrological cycle is disrupted, and in general, greatly reduced This means less precipitation in any form, rain or snow.(Less precipitation is the general rule but when heavy rain systems are nucleated, significant “heavy wet snow” can still occur) Though the Weather Channel is doing their absolute best to ra ra all the snow falling in various locations, the fact is there is a “snow drought” in the US. The ice nucleated snow storms create the illusion of a normal winter when in fact all available statistics paint a very different picture. As we get through “winter” and closer to spring, ice nucleated events will become much more obvious. “Above freezing” snow events will become more and more common. Still, it is important to remember that geoengineered snow storms can also be carried out under extreme cold scenarios. Whatever the initial air mass temperatures, the chemical nucleation mix appears to lower the surrounding temperatures much further. Snow from artificial ice nucleation at higher temperatures is almost always “heavy wet snow”. This is a newly introduced term pushed by the Weather Channel and other main stream media sources. The snow that does fall is toxic. There are numerous lab tests to confirm that the same highly toxic heavy metals named as primary elements in geoengineering patents are being found in this “artificially nucleated” snow. This poisons the air, soils and waters. The effects on the Northern boreal forests are already horrific. Trees are dying in mass and soil PH values are changing radically. The artificially nucleated snow can be incredibly dense and heavy, often causing major damage to trees and structures.Wind patterns and ocean currents are also being negatively effected by the ongoing spraying and manipulation of natural wind currents. (The HAARP ionosphere heater installations around the globe also appear to be routinely manipulating the jet stream) This in turn is releasing methane hydrate deposits which threatens all life on earth. (search “geoengineering/methane release”) Photosynthesis is also being radically reduced. Extremely expansive “geoengineered” cloud cover results from the particulate dispersement. This type of cloud cover is often in the form of a largely featureless overcast sky. What Is Such An Event Like First Hand On 12/21/12 this author had to suffer through yet another ice nucleated snow storm in the woods of Northern California. In the days leading up to the storm, it was comical if not completely tragic watching the local TV “weathermen” trying to explain just how it was going to snow so much when only days earlier Redding California was almost 75 degrees. They tried to explain how the 30 to 40 mile an hour winds from the storm would mysteriously die down only over the upper Sacramento Valley and that’s when the snow would fall, even with temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s. 4-(diminished wind is also a known consequence of atmospheric aerosol saturation/geoengineering spraying under certain conditions, though not all scenarios. ) As is now the rule, the approaching storm brought skies full of jet dispersed geoengineering trails which covered the entire horizon in short order. A sickly colored light penetrated this toxic canopy from the early morning hours of 12/20. Natural clouds eventually drifted into view under the man made over story but they did not have the usual majestic appearance as they were “melted” into engineered clouds above. The leading edge of almost all storms are sprayed heavily. This is the “AR” of the storm. The “atmospheric river” and is a stated area of preferred spraying by the geoengineers themselves. The usual effect of this is a day or so delay of the storm and this case was no different. On 12/20 the local weathermen did there best to explain why the storm did not come in the day before as originally predicted. It “slowed down” they said. As the evening of 12/20 progressed, the 500 ft snow level that was predicted for that afternoon did not happen. It seemed in this case the temps were so warm that the big chemical “cool down” took more effort, more spraying. It seemed the geoengineers might not pull it off as by 11 pm it was still raining at the 2000+ foot level on the mountain top where I and my family live. It was still well above freezing. Waking up at 5 am, I could already see broken trees from the massively heavy concrete snow that had apparently started some hours earlier in the night though the temperatures were still slightly above freezing. I quickly bundled up and went outside to beat the “snow” off the drooping lims of countless trees. This is easier said than done in the case of such “heavy wet snow”. It sticks like glue to everything it hits as it is in the process of melting even as it is still falling. It is not like the snow of my youth, fluffy powdery snow which easily came off the trees. There was, as predicted, no more wind. In the silence of the woods, jet after jet could be heard flying slow and low above the clouds. The snow kept falling. Into the night of 12/21, though soaked to the bone from the soggy snow, I kept up my attempt to save the trees on our mountain. As the night went on, a sound that is very painful to me could be heard in increasing frequency on distant ridges and in deep canyons, somewhere in the darkness, the sound of trees crackling and snapping, being crushed under the weight of the “heavy wet snow”. These are native trees. Trees that have adapted to the historical conditions in this region. I have been through snow events here that dropped twice the depth of snow with no damage, but this snow is different. Even the Canyon Live Oak, the strongest oak in the region, buckles under the weight and adhesion of this snow. It does not sluff off the trees but only sticks and builds. Later in the night, the frequency of collapsing trees somewhere in the distant dark was almost overwhelming. The only other sound that broke the silence constantly was the continual parade of jets overhead in the clouds, so close and low during the storm. By morning, half of the 20 inch depth of cement snow had already melted. The temperatures were still in the upper 30s and the snow had stopped. Countless broken and uprooted trees lay on the forest floor. Why? For the moment, there are virtually no jets to be heard. None. Soon enough, they will no doubt return. What Can We Do We are in a fight for life, literally. Our climate system and atmosphere are being ripped apart. Every breath we take is tainted with the toxic metals and chemicals they are spraying. Every bite of food we eat, the same. There is no “organic” anything at this point as researchers from Europe and other parts of the planet have recently shown. These toxic elements and other influences are being taken into all that lives. Educate yourself on this most dire issue. Arm your self with essential tools for educating others. It is far more productive to hand someone some credible information they can review at their leisure than to corner them with a rant that only puts up their defenses. Examples of information flyers can be found at “”. An extremely important tool to use with a flyer is a copy of George Barnes’s new documentary film “Look Up” which can be found on our site or at “Skyderalertcom“. Once you own a copy, you can duplicate all you want at a very small cost. Stand up, make your voice heard by sharing credible data with all you know. It’s now or never. Dane Wigington Dane Wigington How long can the climate engineers confuse and divide the US population with completely manipulated “winter storms”? The latest is “winter storm Eris” as named by the power structure owned Weather Channel. Also controlling the flow of climate information to the public is the Rothschilds owned Weather Central. Artificially/chemically nucleated snow is a primary method by which the weather makers create short term toxic cool-downs. Why are they doing this? Because it creates the headlines that the power structure and its media machine need to help hide the fact that our planet is warming at a runaway pace. A “white Christmas” here and there does much to confuse the public as to what is actually unfolding on the bigger climate picture. This is one of the major purposes of global geoengineering. Extreme jet stream manipulation is a major component of the engineered cool-down of the US. jet stream Such contorted jet stream patterns like the one shown above were historically unprecedented, now such scenarios are increasingly the norm. How extensive is the global network of ionosphere heaters (which are used to manipulate the jet stream)? The map below gives some idea, though there are many new facilities and mobil facilities (such as SBX radar) that are not shown. Haarp map As the planet continues to rapidly warm overall, the geoengineers are now simply robbing cold air from one region to cool down another. When they create a cool-down in a more populated area, the weather makers get the headlines they are seeking. Again, such headlines perpetuate confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate. This confusion buys time for the power structure to further prepare for the coming collapse. Where is the cold air for “winter storm Eris” coming from? It is pushed down from the North with the jet stream manipulation mentioned, and then combined with moisture which is artificially/chemically ice nucleated. The North then immediately heats up as shown below. temp From record warmth to record cold in only days, such increasing extremes should be very alarming to any that are even partially awake and paying attention. Since we all hate Al Gore (for good reason), the public is very willing to accept any lies that fortify their disdain for him and the rest of the criminals in power. If we can leave Gore and his carbon credit scams behind, and examine verifiable data, reality will be more easily recognized. Who would want the public to believe the planet is not warming, or even cooling? Big oil, the military industrial complex, and the geoengineers, that’s who. How powerful are artificial ice nucleating agents? View the video below for one example of biological nucleating elements. A few drops of these can instantly freeze a container of water (chemical nucleating agents can be even more powerful than biological agents). Winter storm “Eris” was just in time for Christmas. The Weather Channel’s job is to hide the climate engineering crimes and their theatrically named “winter storms” are part of the production. The Weather Channel’s paid actors dramatize the engineered cool-downs and avoid discussion of the fact that 2014 will be the warmest year ever recorded on our planet. There were over 2400 high temperature records set in December alone over the continental US, though mainstream media hardly said a word about this. Earth has now had 358 consecutive months of above average global temperatures (over 38 years in a row), how many have heard this from any mainstream media source? What about the record shattering ocean temperatures? Yet again hardly a word from major sources. But what about the petition of 31,000 scientists that say global warming is a fraud? The truth is, the petition of 31000 scientists denying the planetary meltdown is itself is a fraud. Just because those in power (like Al Gore) are trying to profit from disaster, does not mean the disaster is not real. The power structure does all it can to profit from war and global conflict, does that mean such events are not real? Of course not. We must all base our conclusions on facts, not ideology. The biosphere is warming at an extreme pace. Though temporary surface cool-downs are being created, climate engineering is making a bad climate scenario far worse overall and poisoning the entire planet in the process. Geoengineering is decimating what is left of Earth’s life support systems. All those in the climate science and meteorological communities that are hiding the climate engineering crimes from the public should be considered criminal accomplices to these crimes. The responsibility of sounding the alarm rests with all of us, we must each do our part in the battle to reach critical mass of awareness with the population. DW