Tuesday, November 24, 2015
How European Jewish Elites PERMANENTLY Destroyed The Black Race
Doing some research I have learned who are the real evil we can't see and it's not whites as I was led to believe but these zionist jews who are behind israhell and the evil in the world. They have most blacks dubbed into thinking they are your friends but are using you to accomplish their American goals of takedown America by any means necessary.
Black people in this country have been systemically destroyed by Jewish supremacy. They always get us first and then white Gentiles second. Most of us blame whitey for our problems, if not ourselves, and there are plenty of whites who hate or resent blacks and will do everything in their power to prevent our quality of life and independence. Those whites are also victims of Jewish supremacy because they see blacks or other nonwhites as their enemies when in fact they have been brainwashed by the Jewish media just like blacks to believe everyone is their enemy except for Jews or Israel. There is one and only one common enemy to all of mankind and it is the Jewish elite who own and run the international banking cartel that has each and every one of us enslaved to it in perpetual debt servitude.
How did they do it? Well it wasn’t easy and it took some time but they are a patient bunch if nothing else. Blacks have been the major Jewish tool of exploitation ever since our arrival on slave ships in America, those who didn’t die fleeing in Africa or from sickness during the voyage and were dumped overboard. Who financed the ships that brought us here? European Jews. There would have been no TransAtlantic Slave Trade, or at least a much smaller version of it, without Jews as the financial backers. By the way Columbus was a Jew too.
The first thing Jews had to do was destroy the black family and all of our African traditions. By lynching black men, splitting up the slave families, raping black women, etc. Jews (of course they paid whites to do most of the dirty work for them) were able to make black males appear as less than men. We are still in that condition as a whole today with the Jewish promotion of black men being on the “down low”, prison rape and the gay agenda wholeheartedly espoused by Obama who I believe is gay himself. Willie Lynch was the blueprint and it worked. It is ironic that although black men have been almost completely emasculated by this plot that black women are still largely attracted only to black men sexually even though they simultaneously hate us for our infidelities. Black men have succumbed, myself included, to the Jewish media’s recent promotion of interracial relationships to dilute the gene pool and make us all easier to control. Black men are portrayed as being either gay (Tyler Perry, Martin Lawrence in drag) or after white women (Lamar Odom, Ice T, etc), despite the fact that the vast majority of black men are straight and date only black women. I would never date a black woman or a white woman anymore but sex and dating are not the same thing.
Most Americans don’t know this but the concept of using race as a tool of social stratification began in Virginia less than two hundred years ago. The Jewish elite basically offered the white working class a plea bargain. If whites would cease their alliance with blacks and building unions in exchange whites would receive white privilege. Whites took the bait and accepted their higher rank based on skin color and America has never looked back. If it after this betrayal that the worst racial atrocities occurred including lynching, Jim Crow, church bombings and the like. It was a trick of course and the Jewish elite still have whites and most blacks fooled today.
Feminism was started by and promoted by Jews. We all know about Betty Freidan and Gloria Steinem……both Jews. Feminism didn’t free women from male oppression. It just told them to ignore their feminine instincts and to emulate men. It was never intended to give women a choice in anything. It was designed to make woman the equal of man by legally destroying gender norms and roles. Now the single mother rate in the black community is over 70%. Black men are many times unable to provide for their families while black women are getting college degrees and corporate jobs that pay well. The black male is hence further emasculated worsening an already bad situation. Before feminism women were forced to stay home and raise kids by social stigma. Now under feminism women are forced to get a job and raise kids without a husband by social stigma. If you act like a woman who needs a man you are viewed by feminists as weak and backwards. Sickening…….Men and women complement each other. We don’t replace each other. Feminists knew what they were doing when they presented women with the alternative of another false choice. Women took the bait.
From the time Africans were sold into slavery or simply stolen from Africa Jews have hooked blacks on Christianity, a Jewish plagiarized myth. Each generation of blacks forced each successive generation to believe the hymie and now the black race is a bunch of Jesus freaks who fear “God’s chosen people” even though no one in the entire Bible of lies is even European. Do the names “Matthew”, “Mark”, “Luke” and “John” sound like Hebrew names to you? Of course not. They sound like the Beverly Hillbillies or Beverly Hills 90210. The word “Jew” never appears in the Bible because it was written and corrupted by the Jews before that word even came into use by the Jews. Now Christian blacks live in fear of hell after death for not obeying the Gentile mitzvoth of the Bible including homophobia and forbidden fornication nonsense. Then they give us phony black leaders who tell us to forgive our enemies and turn the other cheek and we obey like Jesus freaks. Forgive not seven times but seven times seventy the good book says. Of course this was even further ensconced into blacks with the Holocaust fallacy taught in public miseducation at the end of WWII and even to this day. We are taught that non-Jews are bad and Jews are good, no matter what their actions are because God simply likes them better. What a fucking ridiculous notion but repetition eventually overcomes the common senses of most men. Everything on TV and in Hollywood re-inforces the holohoax lies. The Nation of Islam would have us believe their religion is different but it’s another Jew religion. They all are including Buddhism and Hinduism.
Let’s dig even deeper. Jews convinced blacks that voting is a privilege that can change things when in fact every so-called right that is ever granted to blacks is gutted of any efficacy before doing so. Joel Spingarn is the Jew that started the NAACP to distract whites from Jewish infiltration. It worked and it’s still working. Jews are behind the eugenics movement that sterilizes black females without them even knowing. These organizations were eventually banned during the 60’s and 70’s but re-emerged after their rebranding under the same Jewish management, including Margaret Sanger, as Planned Parenthood. You go in for counseling and you come out impotent. Nice huh? Maybe they’ll get drive-thru service soon too?
What blacks don’t understand is that the damage done to us collectively is generational and cumulative. It doesn’t go away because you didn’t experience it yourself. It is passed on genetically and spiritually to the offspring, although they have a hard time putting a finger on it for obvious reasons. They are never told or taught the truth. Now the prison industrial complex is a multi-billion dollar booming business using blacks for free labor…..again! Slavery ain’t over. It just changed from overt to covert. If black women can’t find a good black man then maybe they should start looking in jails and prisons. That’s where many of us are. If that wasn’t enough now the state can legally seize your children when you are unable to take care of them. The fathers can be jailed for not paying child support, as if they will make any money while incarcerated. It is no longer even denied that crack cocaine was dumped into the black community by the CIA. They admit it. Our response? Nothing.
Our children continue to suffer at the hands of the public mis-education system of indoctrination that ignores black and African contributions to history which dwindle those of all other races. Our children are put into remedial classes and held back grades. They are hooked on to drugs like Ritalin that further stunt their growth and ability to learn. Jews are masters of inventing conditions like ADD/ADHD that do not really exist and then making a poisonous drug to treat the phony condition. That’s all AIDS is. AIDS doesn’t kill you because it’s not real but the drugs they give you to treat AIDS are real. They are toxic and have never failed to kill anyone taking them as prescribed. How do healthy people get diagnosed with HIV? Blacks have a higher concentration in our blood of the chemical used to return positive on the HIV test. This is eugenics all over again but one again it is now covert instead of overt.
Everything that is toxic in our air, food and water supply is in higher concentrations in black neighborhoods. That includes fluoride, lead, manganese in drinking water (which makes you angry), chemtrails, mercury and the list goes on. Why do you think fast food restaurants are always open 24/7 in black neighborhoods and We get poison 24/7. That’s efficient genocide. And if Masonry is judaism then you can see how those black men are being used by Elite Jews.
The media has successfully portrayed all black women as angry, crazy and violent. They are portrayed as golddiggers who really hate black men but use them for their sperm and then chase white men for the money. This has actually become largely true thanks to the Jewish media and BET. Money worship and prosperity gospel are the order of the day in black America. Get rich or die tryin’. Black women worship money so intensely that I have seen some actually have an orgasm from simply being in the presence of it. That is a sickness that only God could cure.
So while all of this Jewish carnage is going on what do most black men do who are not in prison or jail? We watch sports and play video games to escape from what we perceive as irreparable damage to our people. We are probably correct but that is not reason to capitulate to evil. When you do so you damn yourself to the same fate as your Jewish oppressors. I’m starting to believe one part from the Jewish Bible and that is the curse of Ham. We sure as hell are a cursed people who refuse to unite about anything like other races do. We are damned. In fact we are Goddamned!!! By Jabari
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